Should We?

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"Okay so tell me what happened" I giggled as me and Megen sat down on my bed.

We just got home from school and decided to have a little girly evening since we haven't spent much time together lately.

"Okay, basically" She began with a huge grin on her face. "We were in Chemistry and loads of people were at some drama workshop so there were only like five people left in the lesson and at the end he asked me to wait for him cos he was tying his shoelaces or something whatever it's not important. Then we were walking back to the lockers and he just stops and I asked him if he was alright and he took me to one side and looked into my eyes and went 'I like you Megen, well no, I like you a lot... I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I've been distant or whatever I was just waiting until I knew you liked me back. So.. Will you be my girlfriend?' I literally squealed Megs it was kinda embarassing but i said 'of course I will Tris' and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed me and he smelt so good and I'm just so happy and yeah" She lay back after she had finished explaining.

Tristan finally plucked up the courage to ask Megen today. She was so happy she called me straight after and was practically screaming down the phone. I was so happy for her I felt my heart could burst until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

1 message from Brad

Yo yo yo, do u and Megen fancy seeing your fabulous boyfriends at the park in 10 minutes? <3

I laughed to myself, Brad is so arrogant.

"Oi sleepy head, do u wanna go meet Tris and Brad?" I asked Megen as I poked her with my foot.

"Hell yeah." She leapt up and began to fix her hair in the mirror, God she was vain. I decided to send Brad a quick text before i freshened up.

1 message to Brad

Sure thang hot stuff <3


As we approached the park after about 10 minutes of walking I spotted Tris and Brad hanging by the swing set. Brad was wearing his usual skinny black jeans which he matched with a grey wooley jumper. He looked adorable.

"Hello cutie" He said to me as he saw me and Megen walking towards them.

"Hello" I giggled as I placed a light kiss on his lips as Tris and Megen did the same.

"So what have you lovely ladies been up to" Tristan started the conversation.

"Ah, nothing much just gossiping" Megen replied as I nodded.

"Sounds really fun" Brad said sarcastically resulting in me hitting him in the stomach. He squealed "OW" before he looked at me and pouted as his eyes stared into mine. He placed one hand on my cheek and his gazed flicked to my mouth. He slowly parted his lips as he leant in slowly. Within seconds his face was centimetres from mine as I felt his breathe skim across my face and my heart began to beat out of my chest. His lips parted further as he whispered,

"Now that, is what U call revenge" Before I knew it he turned away to talk to Tris and Megen who were both laughing at my shocked face as I stood there starstruck. I was so getting him back for this i thought as i tried to hide my read face in my hands.


After chatting for a few minutes Tris suggested we play truth or dare, I haven't played that game in ages.

"Okay, Megen, truth or dare?" Tristan asked.

"Dare" She was feeling brave.

"Okay, I dare you to call a random person in your contact list and confess your undying love for them" Brad said.

Megen hesitated but closed her eyes and scrolled down her phone until we said stop.

"It's James" She burst out laughing.

"Go on then" I chuckled.

The phone began to ring James as Megen put it on loud speaker.

"Megen this isn't a good time" James answered as we heard a girl's laughter in the background.
We all exchanged a worried look, I thought he was seeing Ash?

"This will only take a second, I just wanted to say that I love you more than, well more than anything, and that will never EVER change and I just thought you should know."

The sound of laughter increased from the other end of the phone. And we were all thinking the same thing, was James cheating on Ash?

"Yeah, very funny Megen, good dare. Can I go now?"

Megen hung up the phone.

"What a dick!" I said.

"I can't believe he would do that to Ash" Brad spoke.

"I know right" Tristan agreed.

"But guys, should we tell her?" Megen asked.

No one replied and I stared at the ground as Megen's question lingered in my mind, should we?



Yes, I am home for the weekend so I will probably update about three times depending on how much revision I do.

I hope its not boring and you are enjoying my lil story ;)

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Mwa ! - suzie/@baconandbrad


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