Was He Good?

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Okay so it was finally Friday and all the girls were having a sleepover at mine this evening. I also invited Brad's sister Beth because we have been texting lately and I thought it would be nice to spend time with her and introduce her to the rest of the girls. I was currently setting up the mattresses in my bedroom and I picked out a few films for a little movie marathon, all chick flicks of course.

The door bell went and I ran downstairs and opened the door to find Beth standing there.

"Hello" She smiled.

"Hi, come on in" I said as I gave her a hug.

"You have such a nice house oh my god"

"Haha, thank you"

"So Meg's, how's things with my brother" She winked as we walked into my room.

"Oh my god Beth they are amazing, I'm sorry if this is awkward but I love him" My cheeks heated up.

"Aw, that's so cute, and don't worry I'm used to it, he doesn't stop talking about you!"

"Thats so cute aw" My cheeks were now a bright shade of red.

"He especially mentions that he loves the way you always blush"

"This is so embarassing" I laughed as I put my head in my hands.

"Aw don't worry about it, I think it's cute"

"So how's things with.. Calum is it?" I decided to change the subject.

"He's amazing, I really like him, especially his arms" She gushed.

"Awwwww, have you got up to anything" I smirked.

"Haha, maybe..." Now it was her time to feel embarrassed.

We were interrupted by another knock at the door. As I opened it Aliee, Ash and Megen all came pouring in.

"Make yourselves at home guys" I laughed.

"Oh we will" Megen said.

The evening consisted of us making pizzas, dancing around to one direction (of course) and watching cheesy love films. Once the film was over I decided to confront Ash.

"Ash, we haven't something to tell you" I said worryingly.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Okay we are telling you this because we love you and we are here for you remember" Megen said as she rubbed her back.

"Guys you're kinda scaring me.." Ash laughed nervously.

"James is cheating on you" I broke the silence.

"Wait what?" Tears filled her eyes.

"I'm sorry"

"How do u know?"

"Well on Tuesday we prank called him and we heard a girls laughing in the background." Megen explained.

"Oh" Ash said as she laughed.

"What's so funny?" Aliee asked.

"That was me you idiots" She said.

"Wait what? I thought you were at home?" I questioned.

"Okay, I may have lied. But I didn't want you to think I was some sort of slag who slept with a guy within a day's of going out"

We all laughed in unison.

"Ash don't be stupid we love you too much to think you're a slag. If James is the right guy then do whatever you want with him" I reassured her.

"Aw guys, thankyou it means a lot"

"Now tell us, was he good?" Aliee asked.

"Oh my god, it was incredible, he made me feel so alive and so wanted and just amazing." Ash answered with a huge smile on her face.

"Awww young love" Beth cooed.

We all giggled and carried on talking about our various relationships. Con and Aliee were going strong, so we're Tris and Megen, everything was good. Buuess we all owe James an apology.



yo im home again so updates are around the corner ;)

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mwa - @/baconandbrad

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