School Story #3

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In my 6th period class, science, we were messing around with dry ice. My teacher close to the end of the period said "Oh yeah, dry ice is slippery on wood." Right as she says this, a piece of dry ice about the size of a quarter falls onto our wood desk. She said that dry ice was slippery, and she wasn't kidding. If you've had dry ice fall on a wood desk then give it even the slightest poke, you know what's gonna happen next.

As one of my peers gave it a slight poke, it began to slide over to my second peer. He let out a scream, as if dry ice touches your skin for more than about 5 to 10 seconds, you get frostbite and he had joked "What if I put this in my pants?" (insert Lenny Face here), and it seemed that it was gonna fall on him. He smacked it, sending the piece flying off of the desk.

Now, most of this is being based off what I heard and what my friends described as I was out of the count, laughing the entire time.

The dry ice broke into multiple pieces, and was now sliding in all directions. I remember a few kids screaming, but unfortunately, no one was hurt in the incident. One of my peers said "I thought the dry ice was making that sound when we held the pencil to it. But no, it was just you screaming. You scream really highed pitch." to the peer who screamed when the dry ice come to him.

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