Normal people in a game: So, when they reach about a quarter health, I can use a finish move to kill them. Anything above a quarter health will... *more explanations*
Me: If ThEIr hAT fAllS oFF, tHEY'rE rEAdY to DiE-
Some Random Stuff
RandomThis is just a bunch of random things that I do in my free time. This is anything from real life stories to artwork, very small fan-fics to backstory, among other things. Mature ON because I don't know what this may become. Cover was made by me.
A little game thing
Normal people in a game: So, when they reach about a quarter health, I can use a finish move to kill them. Anything above a quarter health will... *more explanations*
Me: If ThEIr hAT fAllS oFF, tHEY'rE rEAdY to DiE-