Chapter 6:

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Hiccup walks down the hall and stops in front of Zephyr's bedroom door.  He takes a deep breath and knocks.

ZEPHYR: Who is it?

Hiccup opens the door and pokes his head in.  Zephyr is sitting at her desk.


ZEPHYR: Oh!  Uh, hey dad.

HICCUP: Can I come in?

ZEPHYR: Yeah, sure!

Hiccup sits on the bed.  A few moments of awkward silence pass.

HICCUP: Zephyr, I'm really sorry about missing your training session.

ZEPHYR: It's okay, I'm sorry that I got so mad at you.

HICCUP: No, really Zephyr, I haven't really been spending time with you.  I've been so busy with... everything.  I want to make it up to you.

ZEPHYR: Thanks dad.

HICCUP: Hey, why don't we go to the Hidden Cove tomorrow?  I know you've always been asking me about it.

ZEPHYR: Really?

HICCUP: Sure!  We can go on a picnic together.

GALE: Okay! But what about Nuffink?

HICCUP: Nuffink and Kirk are going on a camping trip tomorrow.

ZEPHYR: By themselves?

HICCUP: With Kirk's dad of course.

ZEPHYR: Mr. Jorgenson?  Are you sure they'll be safe?

HICCUP: They'll be fine!  So what do you say?

ZEPHYR: Yeah, sure!

HICCUP: Then I guess I'll see you in the morning!

Hiccup stands up.

ZEPHYR: Um, dad?

HICCUP: Yes Zeph?

ZEPHYR: What would you... or what would we do... if we found a dragon?  I don't know... maybe in the forest for example?

HICCUP: Well, first of all, a dragon would never leave the Hidden World; it's not safe out here.  But if we did find one we would definitely take it back to the Hidden World.

ZEPHYR: Oh, okay.

HICCUP: Why are you asking?

ZEPHYR: Oh!  Uhhh, just curious!

Hiccup nods slowly, a little uncertain. 

HICCUP: Well, goodnight sweetheart.

ZEPHYR: (smiles) Goodnight dad!

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