Chapter 7:

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Home- Next Morning

Zephyr paces back and forth across the room.

ZEPHYR: Should I tell him?  Well, yes, it might be dangerous for the dragon.

Zephyr walks over to her chest and opens it.

ZEPHYR: But dad said dragons don't leave the Hidden World, so why would it be here?

Zephyr slips on her arm cuffs.  She closes the chest and stands up.

ZEPHYR: Maybe it's hurt?  Or maybe it got lost?

Zephyr sighs.

ZEPHYR: I should just tell him—

Hiccup opens the door, startling Zephyr.

GALE: Oh!  Hi dad!

HICCUP: Who are you talking to?

ZEPHYR: Uhhhh.... no one!  I mean, myself... sort of.  

HICCUP: Okay....  Are you ready to go?

ZEPHYR: Almost, I have my arm daggers, my emergency dagger, my pocket knife, and...

Zephyr frantically feels her clothes.

ZEPHYR: I can't find my sword!

HICCUP: Don't you have one in your boot?

Zephyr runs to her chest and opens it.

ZEPHYR: That's my emergency dagger.

HICCUP: Zeph, how many weapons do you need?

Zephyr rummages through her chest.

ZEPHYR: On a normal day, only 2.  But on an adventure like this, usually 4.

HICCUP: This isn't an adventure—


HICCUP: Okay!  Okay!  Where did you last see it?

ZEPHYR: I used it....

Zephyr pulls out the skirt she wore yesterday.  It's covered in leaves and dirt.



ZEPHYR: I must have left it in the forest.

HICCUP: The forest?!!!!  When did you go to the forest?

ZEPHYR: Yesterday....

HICCUP: All alone?  Without telling anyone?

ZEPHYR: Dad! (annoyed) I'm old enough to go to the forest by myself!

HICCUP: Okay!  Okay!  But next time, maybe tell one of us first okay?

ZEPHYR: I guess so.

HICCUP: Why don't we go look for your sword together?

ZEPHYR: Oh!  No no no no no!

HICCUP: Why not?

ZEPHYR: Well... it's just that... I... 

Zephyr is about to tell Hiccup about the dragon but doesn't.

ZEPHYR: Uhhhh... I just don't want you to waste your time looking for it.  You know, it was kind of old and I can always make a new one....

HICCUP: Okay.... Then I guess I'll go get you a spare sword for now.

Hiccup turns and leaves.

ZEPHYR: Thanks dad!

The door closes.

ZEPHYR: Ugh!  Just tell him Zephyr!  Just tell him!

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