Chapter 15:

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Training Grounds- Later

View of the Training grounds. Hiccup is in the viewing area above the grounds. He scans the ground.  Zephyr is nowhere to be seen.

ERIKA: (to the boys) Uhh, have you guys seen Zephyr?

NUFFINK: Zephyr?

Nuffink looks around.  It is deadly silent.

OLLIE: She's not here!

NUFFINK: Maybe she's late.

ERIKA: Um, hello? We're talking about Zephyr here!  Mighty Viking Warrior!

KIRK: Zephyr is never late.

OLLIE: Yeah she's always... early.

KIRK: (gasps dramatically) Is this the first time ever that Zephyr is late?!

OLLIE: (gasps dramatically) Yeah! Maybe this is!

Moment of awkward silence.

KIRK: (looks up and sees Hiccup) Hey look, your dad is here!

NUFFINK: Really?

ERIKA: (scoffs) Wow, your dad finally comes to your training session and Zephyr doesn't even show up.

Nuffink spots Zephyr.

NUFFINK: There she is!

OLLIE: Oh, she did show up.

KIRK: (scoffs) Yeah, like 15 MINUTES LATER!

Nuffink runs up to Zephyr.

NUFFINK: Zephyr!  What took you so long?

ZEPHYR: What do you mean?

KIRK: You're 15 minutes late!

ZEPHYR: Really?  What time is it?

OLLIE: I don't know.

KIRK: It's 15 minutes AFTER the time you were supposed to be here!

NUFFINK: What happened?

ZEPHYR: Oh, sorry, I lost track of time.

The others frown, not impressed.

KIRK: Really Zephyr?  The Chief Hiccup himself comes to watch you train and you lost track of time?!!!


Zephyr storms off.  The others watch her go

ERIKA: Okay, that was weird.  Don't you feel like she's... hiding something?

NUFFINK: She wasn't even excited about Dad coming to see her.

They start thinking hard.

KIRK: I know!


KIRK: Zephyr has a boyfriend!

Nuffink, Erika, and Ollie stare at Kirk like he's crazy.

ERIKA: Gross!

NUFFINK: Really, Kirk?

KIRK: What?  That's why she was late!  She was visiting her boyfriend and "lost track of time"!

The others roll their eyes and walk away.

KIRK: Fine! Don't believe me! But I'm telling you, Zephyr has a boyfriend!!

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