Chief Hiccup's daughter Zephyr has found a dragon, but something is clearly wrong. Will Zephyr and her friends save the dragons and the Hidden World? Or will the legend of dragons be lost forever? (Set after "How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden...
The waterfall that surrounds the hidden world has been blocked off by stones and logs, ships surround the dam that has been built. The stones and structures inside can be clearly seen now that there is no water pouring in.
Dart swoops in towards the waterfall, coming within arrow shot of the ships.
SAILOR: Dragon!!!!
CREW MEMBER: Shoot it!
CREW MEMBER: Don't let it get away!!!
Arrows are fired at Dart, but she pulls Hiccup towards her body and then spins to avoid all the arrows with ease.
HICCUP: Dart get us out of here!
Dart descends towards the rocks, but not before she's shot by another arrow.
ZEPHYR: Dart!!
Dart plummets towards the grounds, but manages to gain leverage and head towards the tunnel that leads to the Hidden World.
HICCUP: The lights, they're all... gone.
Zephyr looks around in horror at the dim and eerie looking structures that were once covered with glowing rocks.
ZEPHYR: (whispers) Where are all the dragons?
Dart lands and then collapses onto the ground. Zephyr gets off and inspects the wound on Dart's side. Hiccup crawls out from underneath.
ZEPHYR: Dart! Are you okay?
Dart moans.
ZEPHYR: Ok, hang in there, we'll think of something. Dad-
Suddenly a dragon appears out of nowhere and growls at Hiccup and Zephyr.
HICCUP: Ohhh, uhhh hey there!
Two more dragons appear beside the first.
ZEPHYR: Dad....
HICCUP: It's not what it looks like... we're helping Dart out here!
The dragon growls and two more dragons appear beside it.
HICCUP: Uhh, we know Toothless! You know, the alpha? Your boss right?
Another dragon appears and pounces on Hiccup, throwing him to the side.
Zephyr rushes towards him. The dragons growl and come in closer and Zephyr takes a step back.
ZEPHYR: Fine (huffs), be like that! It's time to teach you guys some manners....
Zephyr pulls out the Inferno and lights it up. The dragons' eyes widen in surprise.
ZEPHYR: All right, back it up!
She waves the Inferno in front of her and the dragons slowly back away.
ZEPHYR: That's right, no one touches my father and gets away with it!
She slowly eases her way towards the dragons and then holds out her hand. The first dragon hesitates, and Zephyr is about to look away when all of a sudden, she hears a loud cry. The dragons turn around in the direction of the sound.
Two dragons fly towards them and land. One dragon is black with a white chest and green eyes and the other is white with a black tail and green eyes. The other dragons bow their heads.
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