Chief Hiccup's daughter Zephyr has found a dragon, but something is clearly wrong. Will Zephyr and her friends save the dragons and the Hidden World? Or will the legend of dragons be lost forever? (Set after "How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden...
ASTRID: (casually) Hey, your daughter aced her combat training today.
HICCUP: She— (smacks his forehead) Oh! I totally forgot about that!
ASTRID: You missed her training session.
HICCUP: Yeah, uhh, can you apologize to her for me?
Astrid frowns.
ASTRID: You missed it last week too.
HICCUP: Yeah, well I got held up, house planning and counselling....
Astrid moves closer to Hiccup. She leans against his arm.
ASTRID: You know how much this means to her.
HICCUP: (sighs) Yeah, you're right. I'll go talk to her.
Hiccup quickly kisses Astrid on the cheek and then leaves the Great Hall.
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Blacksmith Stall
Hiccup walks through the doorway of the Blacksmith stall. Zephyr is sharpening her sword. Hiccup takes a deep breath in and exhales slowly. He approaches Zephyr.
HICCUP: Hey Zephyr!
ZEPHYR: (non-enthusiastically) Hey dad.
HICCUP: Yeah... uh... sorry about missing the session. I got busy, you know... chiefly stuff.
ZEPHYR: You said that last week.
HICCUP: Yeah, look sweetheart—
ZEPHYR: Don't call me that.
HICCUP: (sighs) Look Zephyr, I'll try to come next week.
ZEPHYR stops sharpening her sword.
ZEPHYR: Dad, if you're not gonna come, just say so.
HICCUP: I am going to come, I just-
ZEPHYR: I don't want to keep thinking, maybe he'll come this time, and then get disappointed every week!
HICCUP: Zephyr, I....
ZEPHYR: If you're not gonna come, then just say so!