Paint The Dance Floor Red

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"What! What do you mean he's gone?! Have you tried calling him?!" Mikey jumped out of the bed in a panic.

"I tried but it just keeps going to voicemail! And all he texted back was THIS!" Blue Donnie showed him the phone.

Mikey's eyes widened in surprise when he read the text. 'Going to have a night on the town. Catch you on the flip side. ;)'

"He's gone and he's never coming back!" Blue Donnie sat on the bed with watery eyes.

"There, there. I'm sure he'll be back soon." Mikey gave Blue Donnie a warm hug.

"How do you know? Without me, there's nobody to stop him from doing some ridiculous stunt. He'll end up getting hurt or... or *wahhh*" Blue Donnie cried into Mikey's shoulder.

"Aw, it's ok, it's ok. I'm sure he's fine." Mikey lightly patted Blue Donnie's shell.

"How do you know? For all we know he might be in jail, or strapped onto a dissection table, or- or worse! He got himself trapped in a beach ball factory!" Blue Donnie freaked out.

"Don't you think your over reacting a little. I mean this is... well... you your talking about." Mikey tried to reason with him.

"Exactly! We need to find him right now! Before he does something really dangerous!"

Blue Donnie aggressively stated. "That is assuming that Red's not-" Blue was about to cry again.

"Don't worry, we'll find him. I promise." Mikey assured him.

"Yeah, *sniff* I suppose you're right." Blue Donnie wiped away the tears.

Hours later, after they looked around the whole city:

"This is hopeless! We'll never see him ag-ain- again!" Blue Donnie sobbed out.

"D-don't say that, he's gotta be... somewhere. Just... think, is there any other places he might be at?" Mikey tried his best to not panic.

"W- *sniff* well, he could be trying to get his hands on some uranium, or a purple dragon jacket, or become the next king of dance, or maybe he's in outer space so he can live out his fanfic were-" Blue Donnie rambled until Mikey shouted.

"Wait! That gives me an idea. You know how there's a costume party at April's school tonight." Mikey said brightly.

"Yeah, so?" Blue Donnie gave a confused look.

"See if Red wants to dance, then he's probably going to crash that party." Mikey said hopefully.

"Good idea. Let's go!" Blue Donnie practically dragged Mikey to the school.

"Ahh, slow down!" Mikey pleaded.

Once they got to April's school:

"Guys, is that you?" April asked the turtles when she noticed them by the punch bowl.

"Oh, hi April. Nice costume. Is that supposed to be some kind of yellow space suit?" Mike asked.

"Oh no, this is just some old jumpsuit I found in my mom's closet. By the way, not to be rude or anything, but... what are you two doing here?" April asked through a forced smile.

"Well, you see we kind of lost Donnie and thought he might be here." Mikey explained. "By the way have you seen him?"

"Isn't that him?" April pointed to Blue Donnie.

"Oh no, he meant Red Donnie. I'm Blue Donnie. Long story short I'm only half of the original Donatello. So, we've kind of already met." Blue clarified.

"Oh, I get it. Your actually Leo in a Donnie costume, right? Haha, so 'clever'." April teased.

"No, it's true and the only way that Donatello can come back is that if we find Red. That is... assuming he's still around. *wahhh*" Blue Donnie ran off with his hands covering his face.

"Is he going to be alright?" April asked in concern.

"Don't worry I've got this. Just keep an eye out for Red Donnie. I'll be right back." Mikey chased after him.

"Uh, ok?" April said with slight uncertainty.

"What's up April?" Sunita greeted from behind.

April turned around to see Sunita out of her human disguise. "Oh, hey Sunita. I see that you're taking advantage of this party too."

"Well of course I would. These parties are like the only time I can 'truly' be my goopy self in school." Sunita happily whispered.

"Yeah, yeah I get it. Just don't get too excited on the dance floor." April warned.

"Don't worry I've got it under control." Sunita assured.

"Hello ladies and Gentlemen! Fear not for I am here to make your night amazing!" Red Donnie announced from the entrance of the gym. Then danced across the room.

"Hey Donnie!" April shouted from where she stands.

"Hey April. Want to dance?" Red Donnie said smoothly when he got in front of her.

"Actually I need to tell you-" April tried to say but Red interrupted.

"Say no more." Red Donnie took April's hand and spun her to the dance floor.

"Wow, I didn't know you two could dance so well." Sunita said with amazement.

"You ain't seen nothing yet sweetheart." Red Donnie danced April into a dipped then winked at Sunita.

"Is that supposed to be a nickname?" Sunita questioned.

"Ok, this is fun and all but- Ahh!" April said but was cut off when Red held her close, to make her do the tango with him.

Red was dancing so well with her that they started to draw in a crowd.

"Oh, hey everybody. If you want to dance with the king, all you gotta do is ask." Red Donnie said boastfully.

Some of the girls in the crowd screams like fangirls then they fainted dramatically.

"Oh brother." April rolled her eyes.

"Now now, there's no need to fight. The dance floor is big enough for all of us. Come on everybody!" Red formed a conga line.

Eventually April finally got out of the conga line. "Phew, finally." When she looked up she saw Blue Donnie walking out of the bathroom. She ran up to him. "Hey Donnie! I found you! I-I mean I found Red on the dance floor."

"Really? Thanks April!" Blue Donnie said then quickly ran to the dance floor.

As soon as he spotted his counterpart Blue Donnie shouted. "Red! There you are!"

"Sorry can't talk now!" Red Donnie said while he kept on dancing.

"You are coming home right now young man!" Blue Donnie demanded while he forcefully dragged Red off the dance floor.

"No way." Red Donnie shook off Blue's grasp. "The night's still young." He said lively.

"Don't give me that. Do you have any idea how worried we were?" Blue Donnie said sternly.

"Oh come, what's the big deal? I left a message didn't I?" Red ask rhetorically.

"'Night on the town. Catch you on the flip side.'" Blue Donnie said mockingly. "Isn't exactly 'informative'." He said with sass.

"Well... maybe I didn't want to be found! Especially by some, 'control freak' like you." Red Donnie said back.

"I'm just trying to look out for you! But lately you just been ignoring me more and more!"

Blue Donnie raised his voice.

"BECAUSE I DON'T NEED YOU!!!" Red Donnie blurted out. Then quickly covered his mouth.

"FINE! If that's the way you want it! Then maybe it's best we stayed SEPARATED!" Blue Donnie stormed out the door.

"Well, fine by me then." Red said in a huff.

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