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It was game day, again. A day Hannah terribly dreads, but as much as she wishes it never comes, it still does. This year was gonna be different, as the new headmaster had implied in his speech in the morning assembly.

Hannah watched closely as Josie tried to teach Landon football, it was an eyesore to be honest. "Hey!" Lizzie nudged the tribrid, bringing her back to reality.

"Sorry, Liz. I just still can't believe our douchbag of a headmaster is letting Landon play quarterback this year. I mean, look at him. I know we're like somewhat friends but I mean, come on. He can't even catch the fucking ball." Hannah ranted off in annoyance while Lizzie just hummed.

"Are you even listening to me?" Hannah asked the blonde.

Lizzie looked up from the book she was reading, "Yeah, of course." Hannah laughed, "Okay, I love that you are researching on this mystery boy of yours. It's cute."

According to Lizzie, there was this cute, mysterious boy she met when she was waiting for MG to show up at their study date. To which, MG was a no show but Lizzie met the guy.

Lizzie looked up at Hannah in surprise, "Okay, the new happy you is like, super fun to hangout with, but I asked you to help me."

Hannah groaned in response, "Oh, come on. I love you, Liz, but I'm not in the mood for reading." The blonde scoffed, "Yeah, no duh, your just here to hangout with me and check Josie out in her football uniform."

Hannah had an shocked mixed with amazed look on her face, accompanied by a blush, "You are totally jealous of Landon, right now."

Lizzie went back to reading her book, "No, I'm not." The blonde didn't bother to look up, "Oh, please you're practically drooling over her."

Hannah blushed even more, "Not true." Lizzie didn't even need to look up to know Hannah was in denial. "I don't need to look at you to know you're blushing." Lizzie looked up moments later to laugh at Hannah, who was mostly annoyed at Lizzie.

"Oh, come on!" Hannah yelled from beside Lizzie, who was too busy to notice all the commotion. Hannah was going crazy, because Landon tackled Hope, and took the boy like two minutes to get off the girl.

"Oh, great now he injured her." Hannah grumbled to Lizzie as she sat down. Hannah glanced at Lizzie, "Liz?" The blonde twin glanced at Hannah in boredom.

"You have no idea what just happened do you?" Lizzie nodded her head and went back to reading. Hannah sighed and noticed Hope, limping to the school.

"I'm just gonna go get something." Hannah told Lizzie, standing up but Lizzie was too into the book she was reading to care and just nodded.

Hannah followed Hope to school, suspicious of the girl she was trailing. Hannah felt drawn to Hope in a way she can't explain. And she was also suspicious about Hope, was she telling the truth? Or was she lying about who she really was?

Hannah ended up following Hope to Landon's room where she was about to do a locator spell, when Landon walked by, "Landon don't go in there!"

"Why?" Before Hannah could try to stop Landon and his curiosity, he entered the room and spot Hope. "Uh, I know that this looks bad." Hannah entered the room as Hope stood up to explain herself.

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