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Hannah was beyond furious. No, not furious. Confused? Maybe? Jealous? Probably? Let's just say someone's had a tough night.  She didn't know if it was the way Hope looked at Josie or the fact that she dreamt of Hope, not in a sex dream kind of way but like a vision or a memory, trying to resurface.

Today was also the Decade Dance, another school related tradition Hannah mildly tolerated. Probably because she preferred to stay in and read something without having anyone disturb her while everyone else went off to dance. So,  yeah,  it  was  definitely  something she wasn't  looking forward to.

Hannah was about half naked, when MG walked in unannounced. You'd think with someone who has Klaus Mikaelson for a father and Hayley Marshall for a mother, Hannah would would lock her dorm room door, well, you're wrong.

"Oh my fucking God, MG." Hannah yelled trying to cover the upper part of her body. The girl had pants on, but she wasn't wearing a shirt. "My bad." MG tried covering his eyes. Hannah groaned and hastily put a shirt on.

"Next time, please, knock before you come in." Hannah told the young vamp, after she turned to him, fully clothed. "Sorry, but I have something to ask." Hannah raised her eyebrow in response.

"Do you see him?" Hannah gave him a confused look, "If you're asking me to look for your manners, well, there most likely missing."

MG sighed in annoyance, "No. Him." He pointed to beside him, which was empty. Nothing there. "Um, I think you're seeing things, bro."


Hannah thought MG was going crazy, "What just-?" MG was basically talking to midair. "MG!"

"It's Lizzie, she met this new vampire."

"Oh, yeah, Sebastian. From what she's told me, the guys seems hot. And mysterious." Hannah smirked. MG just shook his head, "He isn't real."

"Are you sure? Maybe you're just jealous."

"I'm not jealous."

Hannah let out a chuckled, and grabbed her bag, "Sure you aren't."

"I'm not."

Hannah walked over to the door, "Okay, well, I'll be helping Josie out with the decorations for the Decade Dance, if you wanna ask me for help or whatever, that's where I'll be. Okay?"

MG sighed again, "Okay."

"See you later, MG."

"Okay, so I've basically moved everything the way I know Lizzie wants it. Do these people not know how to do this right?" Hannah complained to Josie, who was busy checking her out to even process anything the Mikaelson had said.

"Jos?" Hannah snapped a finger at the brunette, which caught her attention. "Sorry."

"It's fine. You just seemed far away." Hannah chuckled. "Um, yeah, just planning this whole thing is a lot of work."  Hannah smiled, "That's why you have me." Josie smiled at her in reply. "Which reminds me, if you're all set I'll be in my room."

Josie's eyebrows furrowed, "Aren't you going to the dance?" Hannah shook her head. "No, I'll try finishing that book, everytime I try to finish it, someone or something just keeps interfering with my reading." Josie let out a laugh.

"But, I would go if you wanted me too?" Hannah offered, Josie shook her head, "No, no, no. Um, I actually need to supervise the Dance later, it would be asking too much if I'd ask you to come."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Josie nodded. Hannah smiled, "Okay, well. See you later, Jojo." Hannah walked to the direction of her room.

By the time she got there, she sat on her bed, she felt a painful headache. A few memories started to resurface. She saw faces of her aunt Rebekah and Hope. She was about five or six.

The headache didn't last long though. So Hannah, decided to start finishing some homework and finish reading her book.

"Josie!" Josie sighed as she recognized who   the voice belonged to. "Landon, I told you, not now." Josie told the boy, who now stood in front of her. "Look, I know that you're ignoring me but that won't last forever."

Josie turned to face the older boy fully, "What do you want me to say? I kissed you. Is that what you wanted to hear? I cheated on Hannah."

Landon sighed, "You know she'll understand what you did. I get that you don't feel anything for me."

Josie faced the flower arrangements, "I know Landon but I feel bad. She's my girlfriend whether she remembers or not and I don't like lying to her."

"Well, tell her the truth. She might not understand but at least you gave her an explanation." Landon shrugged.

"I did. I explained to her that we're only friends."

"So that's good." Landon smiled.

"No, not good. My girlfriend doesn't remember me.  And she thinks I'm going after you." Josie frowned in frustration.

"It'll get better." Landon encouraged. "I hope you're right." Josie replied. "Anyway, I wanted to ask you to be my date." Landon started but was cut short, "Landon, you kn-"

"As a friend, I know. Since Hannah isn't coming tonight. I could be your date. But in a totally platonic way." Josie smiled at Landon. "Yeah, why not."

• a/n •

this was short, i am like thirty percent sure that there are a lot of errors and flaws in this chapter and the next few ones but oh, well. anyways, sorry for the shitty writing. hope you like it.


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