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"Landon, you look stupid." Hannah laughed, as she approached the boy. Landon was trying to fly by jumping on a trampoline, Hannah wasn't sure where he got it though.

Surprisingly, the two were back to being friends - ish. Not that Hannah would call her and her sister's boyfriend, friends but it was how it seemed. Although, she would make him her accomplice if she did commit a crime, not that she hadn't already.

"Try flapping your arms."

Hannah scoffed and mumbled under her breath, "Yeah, as if that's gonna help."

"Superman doesn't flap his arms."

"Well, of course, 'cuz he can actually fly." The girl commented. "Why am I even here? You know what, I'm leaving."

Landon just ignored her an continued to jump.

"Enough with the illusion spells Alyssa, tell me where the ascendant is." Hope sighed in annoyance. "Why isn't my truth spell working?"

"Maybe because she's a fucking bitch." Hannah suggested walking in the cellar, making her way towards her sister.

"Hmm, I guess the anti-charm potion I took is working." The witch replied back, making Hannah want to tear her limb from limb until she gets answers.

"How long have you been going at this?"

Glaring at the girl in the cage, Hope replied, "A while."

"Well, why not try other methods of interrogation." Hannah suggested, a plan all ready forming in her head. "I'm sure I can find a much more creative way to make her talk."

Shaking her head, Hope immediately shot the idea down. 

"Look, this isn't about the both of you."  Alyssa confessed, "If I knew how annoying you both would be, I would've sent you away, too."

Hannah groaned, " You know what? Hows this? Tell us where the ascendant is, and I promise not the rip your fingernails out one by one until you're begging for mercy?"

"Sorry, I don't negotiate with basic witches." She responded switching into another yoga position. "So, I'm never telling you where the ascendant is. Giving both of them a faux smile," she concluded. "Namaste."

Annoyed and angered, both Mikaelsons walked out of the cellar leaving Alyssa to rot and hopefully, break.

"Sorry, I'm late. It's just - whoa!"

"Yup." Hope replied bitterly, wiping the blood off the scissors in her hands as if it were a regular task.

Hannah just gawked at the supposedly mythical being in front of them.

"Now, tell us why you're here?" Hope asked the man. "Do you serve Malivore? Or someone else?"

"I serve the highest power of all," he responded. "Love."

Growing annoyed, Hope huffed. "Where were you trying to take my boyfriend?"

Eyeing the couple, the older man couldn't help but ask, "That guy is your boyfriend?"

Hannah hid a giggle, which earned her a glare from her older sister.

"I wasn't trying to take him anywhere, he started it."

Feeling the need to defend himself, Landon began to retaliate, "Hey! No, he was flying around shooting at people with arrows"

"With love arrows!" He rebutted, "Check the quiver. "Every arrow in there only helps people express the feelings they already had. Most people say thank you."

Turing to Landon, Hope passed the bow and arrows to Hannah, who examined them quite closely.

These Malivore monsters are starting to really bore her. Cupid, cute, but Malivore could've at least tried for something more threatening. Or scary. "Hey! Could we use these on Alyssa? Maybe stab her with it or something?"

• a/n •

aaaahhh. i haven't don't this in so long. im truly sorry about not being active fore almost a year now but life sucks and i have had no time to write at all.

first off, i recently reevaluated hannah and i wanna honestly redo her character.

second, didn't have a lot of inspo for this so we're skipping a lot of stuff. hopefully get all those things cleared up when writer's block stops torturing me. 

but also, seriously tho, i don't know what to do with her in this season. and i just want to put her in a coma and leave her there. but then again, ive been with this character for years and i don't want to abandon the story even if my writing is crappy.

if y'all have a little more patience, thank you. i'll try my best to make this work and revive the story. thank you. stay safe.

- dhara

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