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Hannah stayed behind with Lizzie and Landon while Hope left with Rafael. So far, Lizzi had Landon talking about something related to Star Wars, something Hannah decided not to pay attention to. Now, the three were in the kitchen, Landon making a sandwich, Lizzie absentmindedly listening to him talk and Hannah, sitting on the table picking on her nails half-heartedly.

"They're basically teddy bears, and who hates teddy bears? If you hate teddy bears, that's on you, that's all I'm saying." Hannah let out a bored yawn. "Especially, teddy bears who took down the empire. That's where I stand on e-wolks." Landon finished, and was about to eat his sandwich when Lizzie grabbed it from him and had a bite.

"That's fascinating," Lizzie nodded, "I'm gonna take a nap. Hannah watch him." Hannah sarcastically laughed, "No way I'm watching over Jojo's elf."

Before Lizzie could reply, the Croatoan stood before them, and grabbed Lizzie by the neck, Hannah sprung into action, taking the knife Landon previously used for his sandwich, and stabbed the Croatoan's hand, and he instantly let go of Lizzie.

Hannah took both Lizzie and Landon's wrists, dragging them back to the library where the previously where staying. Landon closed the door behind them and spoke, :I thought the candle was supposed to keep the monsters out."

"Me, too." Hannah added, alarmed.

"It was supposed to keep them from getting to you." Lizzie replied, taking a breath. "I guess, he didn't go after me," Hannah snapped back to Landon, "No shit, Kirby." Hannah pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "it's after Lizzie."

"I need help." Landon complained, as he held the door in place, making sure that the monster didn't try no come through. Meanwhile, Lizzie and Hannah were scanning through piles of books trying to find a solution to their problem. "Why does everyone assume I have super strength."

Hannah scoffed, "Trust us, no one thinks that."

The phone suddenly rings, Lizzie and Hannah shared a look before both race to the phone, but Lizzie grabs the phone before Hannah could get a hold of it. Lizzie went to talk to MG, who was in the other side of the line.

After a few minutes of pestering, mostly from Hannah, Lizzie finally dropped the phone. "Did MG say anything useful? Because if we die, Landon's paying for the funeral. Oh, wait! I can come back to life." Hannah laughed.

Lizzie's eyes went wide at the realization, and slapped Hannah's shoulder roughly. "Not the time to crack jokes, Mikaelson."

Suddenly, Landon lost his hold on the door and came tumbling down in front of both girls, the monster was kicking its way through the door. Hannah and Lizzie were quick to pull Landon up and make a run for it.

The three teens, were like playing cat and mouse with the monster and soon ended up in the cell room. "This monster is hunting secrets, not you, so at least it has some taste unlike my sister." Lizzie told them.

"But that's the thing, what Malivore tells the monsters they always follow their prime directive first. So, tell us whatever secret your keeping and maybe it will stop." Hannah nodded in agreement.

"I can't."

Hannah groaned, "Now is really not the time, Liz, it might not be that bad, what is it? You kissed someone? Or slept with someone?" Hannah asked, trying to lighten the mood and keep herself calm.

Landon stared at Lizzie in question and just started guessing, "Is it about Hope?" Lizzie remained quiet. "It's about Hope isn't it? Oh my God, did you sleep with her?" Hannah suggested, laughing. Lizzie's eyes widened.

"Oh, God, no!" Lizzie repled, disgusted. "So, it's about Hope?" Landon asked again.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lizzie replied, in panic.

The monster caught up to them, hitting the door behind the teens, making Landon drop the candle. Hannah shrugged, "That thing was useless anyway." They started to run further into the room.

"Well, at least I had an idea." Lizzie argued, as they came to a halt, in the cells, where they were met with a growling zombie. "I just had one, too." Landon exclaimed, turning to the two girls. "Could you make us invisible, and break open his cell." He asked, gesturing to the zombie. "Lizzie, nodded, "Uh, yes, why?"

"We're gonna do what every great sci-fi franchise does." He responded. "Kong versus Godzilla, alien versus predator." 

"We're gonna suck?" Lizzie asked and Hannah just laughed. "That's blasphemy, no. We're gonna let the monsters fight." Hannah was getting a hint of what he was saying. "Finally, an idea that might actually work." Lizzie just rolled her eyes at the two and replied, "This is a nerd-gasm, not a plan."

Hannah scoffed, "Okay, then just tell the truth." Lizzie though it over for a moment held Hannah and Landon's shoulders , "Ugh, fine. Invisique."

The three quickly let the zombie out, as the Croatoan scame in the room, the two creatures crossed paths but didn't fight, much to Hannah's disappointment. The monster ended up trapped in the cell, which was Hannah's plan since it didn't beat the crap out of the zombie. "That's not gonna hold it long. So just tell us the secret."

"I can't." The blonde replied, Hannah groaned in annoyance, "And why not?"

"It would break Josie's heart." Lizzie argued, "So, this is about Josie?" Landon asked her. "No, it's about all of us." Lizzie rambled out. "Lizzie, since when have you kept your mouth shut about anything? Just tell us." Landon replied. "Fine, it's-"


Hannah looked behind her to spot Hope, who spelled Lizzie's mouth shut, Hannah connected the two pieces. There was something going on between Lizzie and Hope, something Hannah would love to investigate once the whole Croatoan ordeal was over. "So this, is about you?"

"We have to get out of here!" Hope told them. "What are you hiding from everyone?" Landon asked her, but was ignored. "There's no time, these bars aren't gonna hold, we have to find someway to stop it." Lizzie started mumbling, and Hope released her from the spell.

"MG is working on it, also because of Landon, there is now a zombie on the loose."

"It was a good idea."

"More like an epic fail." Hannah argued.

"Okay, one monster at a time. Raf, Hannah, take Landon to Dr, Saltzman, Lizzie and I will keep the Croatoan busy. Let's go." Hope left Lizzie following her out. Hannah groaned, held landon by the collar of his shit pulling him out. "Come on, bird boy."

Hannah, Landon and Rafael were wandering the woods, running as fast as their feet could take them, "Run faster, the slower you run the sooner you're dead." Hannah urged the boys, as they ran.

"We're not all werewolves here, Hannah." Landon reminded her, earning him a groan. 

Before anyone could make another comment, a wave of magic struck them and Hannah fell unconscious. 

• a/n •

ahahaha. we're stopping here, kids. i know it's really mean of me to stop here, but i got too lazy to think of anything else but hey, its longer than the last chapter i wrote. sorry, if its crappy but if you keep reading, you will have to put up with my shit. anyways, stay safe. don't leave your house, and yeah, that's all.


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