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Fixing the ascendant was quite harder than Hannah thought. Sooner or later, the brunette was sure that she'd hit her head on the nearest wall in frustration. "Can't I just kill her?"

The last couple of days have been a challenge. Hannah felt like she's been zoning out a lot lately and that didn't help their current predicament.

"Sadly, no."

Sighing, she deflated into her seat and continued reading her own book of ascendant research.

The two were in a secluded office in the school, trying to find ways to fix the ascendant and help the Saltzman's find a way out of the prison world.

Hannah was worried about Josie - and Lizzie, of course - but her and Josie have been dealing with a rough patch in their relationship for weeks now and she didn't want her to be in any sort of danger before they talked the entire thing out.

"Hey!" Looking up from her book, the older Mikaelson girl spotted her boyfriend carrying a tray of various foods making her smile.

"Hey, what's all this?"

"A flightless co-hero being useful."

Hannah smiled at his attempt to help them and cheer her up, taking a piece of toast. "Thank you, Landon."

A little taken aback by Hannah's unusual kindness towards him, Landon smiled back at her. "You're welcome."

"Any progress?" He asked, turning back to Hope, who continued to read her book about ascendants.

"No, Alyssa spelled it, so everytime we try to repair it, it just breaks again." Hope explained to him.

"Can't you just unspell it?"

Hope just smiles at his cluelessness while Hannah continued to read. "No. But there must be something we're overlooking."

"There is."

Hannah looked up to see Dorian and a guy with a mustache entering the room. The unfamiliar man made her feel uneasy. There was something off about him she couldn't explain.

"Sorry, you have the wrong ascendant."

The younger girl tilted her head in confusion. "Oh. Says who?"

"Fam, meet Joshua." Dorian introduced gesturing to the man with the mustache. "He's an expert on prison worlds. I told him about our problem."

Hannah scoffed, "No offense, but you don't look like someone who would be named Joshua."

"It's the mustache isn't it?" The man asked her with a knowing smile.

Hannah though for a minute before replying back a lie, "Yeah, def the mustache." Not the fact that he seemed sketchy or somehow a little too pretentious.

Turning back to Landon and Hope, he asked to look at the ascendant, putting on a pair of glasses.

He proceeded to bring one of the pieces toward his ear as if he were trying to listen for something. Hannah scrunched her nose, finding this weird.

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