Hannah was mad. She was mad at Hope she was mad at Josie, mad at the world.
She couldn't believe her sister was stupid enough to throw herself willingly into the Malivore pit, and after everything that they've been through? Hannah sulks as she walks with Josie and Lizzie over to Hope in the town square.
Now with her memories back, everything just seems awkward and different, Josie was in some sort of relationship with bird boy, her sister is back from God knows where and Hannah's completely confused, not knowing what to do. She'd like to have a long, long nap but everyone knows that as long as Malivore is there, no one can rest.
"Why am I here?" Hannah asked, her voice hoarse, and her tone harsh. Lizzie turned over to her with a smile. To be honest, Hannah didn't know why Lizzie seemed to happy and confident about her plan to get the three to reconcile. Three being her, Josie and Hope.
"Because you have to kiss and make up with your sister and Josie." Lizzie simply replied, Hannah rolled her eyes. Now, that everything was somewhat close to normal, Hannah's sour attitude has come back. She hasn't smiled since the day before and both Lizzie and Josie didn't like that.
Hannah had been silent the whole walk to the park, she refused to even glance at Josie. "Never gonna happen, blondie." Hannah huffed, the closer they approached Hope, who sat at a bench near them.
Hannah was amd at Josie for not telling her about their relationship sooner, and bursting her happy bubble. Hannah really prefered happy her, without the memories because not that all it has come back, it hurt. It was something she really did want to forget but no, Josie just had to bring every single painful memory back.
And as much as Hannah loves Josie she was mad at her. she didn't want to be but the fact that she was kinda always hanging out with Hope's boyfriend made her blood boil. Mostly out of jealousy, really.
"Reporting for portal duty." Lizzie saluted, then gestured to Hannah and Josie, "I brought back up." The three got closer to the bench, Hope gave both girls a sad smile. Josie looked uncomfortable while Hannah just scowled.
"So, this is nice, right? Together again." Lizzie started off. "It's great."
"Amazing." They answered back half-heartedly.
Lizzie nodded, "I mean, for Hope and Josie not talking to each other just because your competing for the love of the same garden gnome, and for Hannah to be mad at both of you because you lied to her. I think we're more evolved than that as women."
"Without a doubt."
Lizzie smiled, "Good, because personally. I've never been better. My work paid off, my mind is sharp, all perceived mental breakdowns were a figment of my imagination fed by two manipulative vampires who will remain forever my enemies."
Hope turned to Lizzie, "What's going on with Sebastian?"
"Headmaster Downton-Abbey wants to enroll him to keep him off the streets but after deliberately making me think that I was unwell I will not let that happen." Lizzie replied confidently.

begin again | legacies
Fiksi Penggemar"i don't want to remember. my life was a mess. i hated it." hannah mikaelson doesn't remember anything about herself or her life. she doesn't remember anything really. she comes challenges this year that would make her question herself and her decis...