Chapter 10- Sun Bitch

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Weeks passed.

Kacchan forced Toko-nii and Izuku to train with him at the "Trash Beach."

At the current, Kacchan was yelling at the bird duo.

"PUT YOUR BACKS INTO IT!" He pumped his fist in the air as he watched the boys attempt to pull a truck. "DO YOU WANT TO BE HEROS OR VILLAIN FOOD?"

"Kacchan if I put my back into it, I'll pull a wing muscle..." Izuku wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Cant I just... like... fly for a long while?"

"..." Kacchan scratched his chin in thought. "Damn, you're gonna do it no matter what I tell you, Sun-bitch."

Izuku beamed his signature smile at Kacchan.

He pat Toko-nii on the shoulder before stretching his wings.

Oh, how sore they have been!

It felt like they had been wrapped in foil for an eternity.

He bent over slightly...

And then took off.

He forgot this feeling.

He missed flying over the cities.

He missed watching the daily commutes.

He missed everything about flying.

After a bit of stretching, he rung up Kacchan and told him he won't go back to the beach today.

He hung up before a string of curses wove their way between his ears.

He landed on a building and watched the sun set over the horizon.

He could never get tired of watching things.

The crowd flew past him. The people below talked. The clouds grazed the sky with their imperfect white.

He got lost in his own thoughts.

So lost, in fact, that he didn't hear the pair of feet coming in contact with the concrete of the roof.

It crept closer.


The sky was getting darker.

They were getting closer.


They stopped.

"Young man," The voice that belonged to the steps called out. "What in the world are you doing all the way up here?"

Izuku lost the train of thought he was chasing and turned towards the voice.

A man, around 5 foot 6 inches, stood before him. He was scrawny, but looked healthy. His blond hair stuck out unevenly around him, almost like Kacchan.

He wore a white shirt that hung off his shoulders and pants held onto his waist with a belt.

"Uh..." Izuku looked into the mans eyes. They were the type of blue you would only expect to find in the coldest of worlds. "Who are you?"

"I'd like to know the same thing about you, young man." The man crossed his arms. His eyebrows knit together. "Why are you all the way up here so late at night?"

"I was... uh..."

Izuku stopped himself. Should he tell this man what he was doing? What if hes a killer? Should he call the cops? What if he kidnaps me?

"I was..." Izuku cleared his throat. "Flying around. My mom asked me to do some late night shopping since the traffic would be calmer." He looked to the side and started picking at the feathers on his neck. "I got distracted by the sunset..."

"Oh, it sure is beautiful this time of year." The mans shoulders relaxed as he uncrossed his arms and but his hands in his pockets. "Do you need any help with your shopping Mr..."

"Oh," Izuku wanted to give this man a fake name, but he seemed nice enough to trust. "Izu. My name is Izu."

Half the truth wouldnt hurt, right?

"Nice to meet you Young Izu," The man held out his hand, to which Izuku gladly accepted. His hands were rough. "My name is Yagi."

"Nice to meet you too, Yagi-ku," Izuku smiled at his new... friend? "And to answer your question, I think I'll be fine with my chores by myself, but thank you for the offer, sir."

"All right Young Izu." Yagi-ku handed him a small piece of paper. "I know we just met, but I'd like to talk with you again soon. If it's alright."

"I'm sure Ma wouldnt mind if I ask her."

"Well I'll be worried if you didn't tell your Mom you would be hanging out with an old man like me." Yagi-ku laughed.

"Yeah, haha." Izuku looked at how dark the sky was, and assumed he should head home soon. "Its been nice meeting you, Yagi-ku, but I still have to go out shopping. I hope you have a great night!"

Izuku flee off, sparing s passing glance behind him, finding Yagi-ku waving at him.

Maybe Izuku should pick up some things on the way...

As an apology for being out to late.

Izuku stopped by the gas station near his house, bought some chocolates for Ma, and prayed to all the Gods that he wouldnt get in trouble for being out late without his best friends.

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