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Izana POV

I haven't seen Kitty since Zen appeared in the office. She'd only come around twice but being in my office felt a little strange without her. I know better than to hope that she will come around again but she surprised me by coming back the next time so there's no telling for sure. She's a mystery to say the least. The snow outside today reminds me of her hair. It appeared overnight leaving a harsh chill in the air as the grounds disappeared beneath it. I'm not sure where she's staying but I hope she's staying warm at least.

I reach my office door and smell blood... a lot of it. That can't be good. I open the door, one hand ready to draw my sword, and my eyes immediately fall on Kitty who is laying on the floor just inside the balcony. Her breathing is short and rapid and there's blood all over her and leaking onto the floor around her. I shut the doors and rush over to her.


Her eyes are barely open and I can tell she's not really seeing anything as she fights to stay conscious.

"I'm sorry... for bleeding... on your floor." She gasps out as she tries to smile. "Pretty blur..."

I sigh and briefly wonder where her cloak is but I notice a bundle of black fabric on the balcony.

"You need to stay awake, Kitty. Can you do that?" I ask as I grab the blanket from the couch. It will be the warmest thing to wrap her in and will help keep her hidden as I take her to the pharmacy.

She's still conscious for now but her words have become even more incoherent. I cover her with the blanket except for her face before lifting her into my arms.

"Hair... Face..." She mumbles as she tries to struggle against me.

I sigh and shift my grip on her until her face and hair are covered by the blanket as well. The struggling stops but she's still awake thankfully.

I reach the pharmacy a few minutes later and call over the closest herbalist. It's the young one, Ryuu I believe. I don't explain anything but tell him I need a bed and that this requires complete non-disclosure. His eyes widen as he eyes the blanket but leads me into a room with a few cots and I place her on one as he draws the curtains closed around us. I remove the blanket and his breath leaves in a gasp.

"Miss Kit, what happened to her?" He asks. He must have been the one to treat her arm.

"I don't know but save her, now."

He looks her over for a moment before leaving the room. Her eyes are still open and wandering the area while her lips move in an attempt at speaking. I concentrate on her lips for a moment and sigh as I realize she is worried about her hair still. I shake my head. Even half-dead she doesn't want to be seen.

"I'll get your cloak later, but only two people will see you, one being myself. Ryuu has to be able to work on you without the cloak in the way. He's not going to say anything."

I settle in a chair by the bed and try to make sense of the injuries beneath the seemingly unending streams of blood covering her skin and clothes. Her clothing itself is torn in several places and I realize that her shirt was originally a deep rich blue, judging by the one untouched spot on the collar but it's almost black now from her blood. Her hair even has blood in it, staining sections in various shades of red as it dried. Ryuu returns and looks as if he is going to try to make me leave but I shoot him a look and he pulls a small table over and puts his supplies down. He gives her a shot of something he tells me is a pain reliever, then a sedative. Her breathing slows slightly but it's still ragged and she turns toward me before her eyes close. Both eyes are ringed with dark bruises and her lower lip is split open, that seems to be her only facial injuries.

"I will have to remove her clothes in order to properly work..." He mumbles.

"Then do it."

With a bright red face, he cuts her clothes away and thankfully she is wearing undergarments so she isn't fully nude. I keep my gaze from lingering but I can't help but notice how thin she is, thinner than she was when she was here last. He begins to wipe away the blood on her skin and takes note of each lesser wound, stopping to fix the more serious ones before moving on. Kitty's throat has been slit but it's a light cut that he's able to simply bandage since it wasn't bleeding anymore. Her outer arms are littered with small cuts like she was running through brush, not uncommon with her line of work I'm sure. He leaves those alone after wiping the blood away and stitches a rather large gash running down the outer edge of her left forearm. As he works, he mumbles the various injuries, more to himself than to me but I at least get to know what's going on. Her left shoulder is out of socket and her right collar bone is broken. She has three broken ribs, explaining why her breathing is so ragged, but he says they're not puncturing anything so there's nothing he can really do for it. There's a series of stab wounds and gashes covering her torso, most having to be stitched closed. Her legs are covered in the same small scratches and several almost blackened bruises. What happened to her? I help him to carefully roll her onto her side to check for more injuries. She isn't currently injured aside from a few bruises and small scratches, but my gaze is locked on her upper back where there are a series of thin uniform length scars across her skin.

"What would cause that type of scarring?" I ask.

Ryuu stares at them for a moment before his eyes widen slightly. "Without her confirming, I believe it to be from a whip... I've finished with what I can do for her. She's lost a lot of blood but she's stable. As long as she rests and allows herself to heal without tearing stitches, she should be better in a few days, her breaks in six to eight weeks. I will prepare some medicines for her to fight off infections and for pain if you would like."

I nod and he asks if I would like for her to stay here.

"No. I will take her with me. You will be summoned if needed. Do not speak of her coming here or her treatment. None of this happened."

"Yes Sir." 

You Amuse Me *Izana x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now