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 Izana POV

I breathe a sigh of relief as the noise of the ball fades behind. I wouldn't have bothered to arrange it or attend if it weren't Zen's birthday. But now that I've done my part, he can enjoy the fun and I can hopefully lock myself in my office for some peace. As I reach my office, I can hear a peculiar noise coming from inside. Whatever that is can't be good.

I silently mourn the loss of my relaxation before pushing the door open. In the darkness, nothing seems immediately wrong so I make my way over to the lamp on my desk and light it, casting a warm glow through the room. I arch a brow as my eyes fall on a woman in a dark cloak tied to my chair near the window. I'm guessing the noise was her trying to scoot away but where was she trying to go? It would be a hard fall if she made it out of the window. I'm not sure how she got here or why she's in this situation but it may be a trap. I reach for my sword as her bright blue eyes appear from under the cloak's hood. I watch as a half-attempt at a smile crosses her face and she brings up one of her bound hands in a small wave.

"Who are you and why are you tied to my chair?"

Her expression shifts slightly at the sound of my voice but I can't place what it's supposed to mean.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. This is my chair and you are in my office." She says, her voice sounding just a little too confident.

I lean against the desk, curious to see her next response.

"Last I knew, you were not the First Prince of Clarines since that title is mine and you are not a man."

"What if you're actually crazy and that's just what you believe because you don't know any better?" She retorts, her mouth stretching into a smug grin. She's clever, I'll give her that much.

"Then I do believe I wouldn't be allowed free reign of the castle and people would not do as I say."

"What if this isn't the castle and you're in fact in an asylum and the people are either imaginary or simply caretakers who indulge your fantasies?" She counters with a smirk. I'm actually enjoying this exchange.

"If that were the case, why are you, a woman who claims to be the prince, in the asylum tied to a chair?"

"Who says I'm here at all? You're insane, obviously, so I could be just a figment of your imagination."

I shake my head and chuckle as I realize I have no rebuttal against her. "You have me there. So, who are you, really?"

Her gaze lifts from the knots on her wrists and her mouth draws into a thin line before she tells me it's rude to ask a woman's name without giving mine first. As if breaking into my office, since that is the only explanation I can come up with unless she is right and I have gone mad, isn't rude?

"How rude of me." I mumble as I cross my arms over my chest. I'll be nice and play her game for now. It doesn't seem like she can get away on her own right now anyway. "I'm Prince Izana Wistaria."

"People call me Kitty but I prefer Kit, the pleasure is all mine, Darling." She purrs with a sickly sweet smile. "Could you be a dear and untie me? I really must be on my way."

Her name, Kitty, sounds familiar, like I'd seen or read it somewhere before. I should probably call the guards to come take her away but she has been rather amusing to talk to so far... I watch her expressions change as I straighten and move one of the extra chairs around to the front of my desk and I start to mess with the papers. Her mouth opens slightly in disbelief before she shakes her head and starts to try to untie herself again. With how she is bound, she won't be able to get out of it herself. If the rope wasn't around her torso as well, she might. I look up through my hair as she sighs and jerks at the ropes in frustration. The action knocks the chair over though so she's facing the ceiling now.

"Are you serious!?" Her voice comes out in a low growl and despite trying to stifle it I laugh softly.

"It's not funny." She whines slightly.

"You really are going to be a handful, aren't you?" I hum as I put my papers down.

"Well if you'd untied me like I asked I would no longer be in your hands now would I?"

I approach the chair and bring it upright so she won't complain further. The action has put us in a close proximity and I still can't fully see her face or her hair, but she has a small smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheeks, and I can't help but notice a streak of dirt on her cheek and a cut on her jawline. She's rather pretty regardless, though I haven't seen much beyond that. Pretty for a thief as well, since that's what her file labels her as. I have nothing else to do and she seems harmless, so I will test her skills. At the end of this I may just end up with a bit of entertainment or I get to write captured on her file. I move behind her and undo the knot binding her torso. I cast a smirk at her when I return to my desk and notice her glaring at me.

"Why untie one part and not the rest?" Kitty grumbles under her breath.

"I'm simply testing your capabilities." I explain, meeting her gaze. "If you can get yourself free with just that small amount of help, I won't call the guards to carry you off, though I'm still unsure of what led you to this position."

"I encountered a pesky black cat. Those things really are bad luck." She huffs before leaning forward to try to pick the first knot with her teeth. "You don't seem to be all to lucky either."

"If you'd like I could go ahead and call the guards?" I offer, smiling as she scowls at me. I am thoroughly enjoying her wit.

"Are you the one that employed the black cat? If so you should be ashamed of yourself."

Black cat? She must be talking about the lanky boy that Zen hired.

"I assume you're speaking of the dark haired boy that naps in the trees." I sigh. "That would be my brother's doing. I don't trust him."

"With good reason." She mumbles under her breath as she continues to struggle.

Kitty manages to get one wrist free about ten minutes later, judging by her slight noise of excitement. Not too long after I hear her get to her feet. I look up as her hand moves toward her sword. She isn't aiming to attack though, acting more out of unease I'm sure. I return to my papers but can see her inching toward the balcony.

"I told you I wouldn't pursue you if you freed yourself." I call out.

"You said you wouldn't call them to get me." She shoots back. "That doesn't prevent you from trying yourself or having them come for me once I leave this room."

Good point, but I don't think I'd like to have her killed yet. I've rather enjoyed her company so far.

"What fun would that be?" I ask as I look up at her again. "You amuse me, Kitty."

"It's Kit, and I'm not sure if that's a compliment, an insult, or just sad that you're bored enough to be entertained by me.

You Amuse Me *Izana x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now