Let It Out

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Izana POV

The balcony doors open and I see Kitty's cloak as she passes by the front of my desk and I notice red stains on her clothing. I look up at her as she sprawls out on one of the couches with a bottle in her hand. She's covered in blood but it's all dry. I call her name and when she doesn't answer I get to my feet and go to check on her. The bottle slips from her hand and hits the floor, thankfully without shattering. She's staring blankly at the ceiling, her eyes bloodshot and puffy. Her body is covered in blood but she doesn't appear to be bleeding.

"Kathlin, are you alright? You're-" A whiff of alcohol hits me under the scent of blood. "-drunk again?"

"I'm a mess..." She mumbles without blinking.

"Right now, yes. Care to clarify?"

"I need to get out of here..."

She unsteadily gets to her feet and starts to wobble toward the balcony. I catch her arm and she turns back to me with a scowl.


"You're drunk and bloody. Where did the blood come from?"

"She deserved it... I-I was going to marry you... And that bitch took me away from you! Now, because of her, I won't get to be with you..." She mumbles.

"What are you talking about? You're right here with me now."

"As who?" She chuckles harshly, as her eyes meet mine. "Who am I? I don't know anymore... I'm Kit, Kitty, Kathlin, I'm a childhood friend, a thief, a criminal, a lover, a safe house owner, a ghost, a dead nobleman's daughter, even a fucking castle lackey... but I'll never get to be safely with you, will I? I'll never be able to marry you, to be seen in public with you as your equal... to even walk around without my hood without worrying if someone will recognize me as Kitty and I die then and there... Why couldn't you have killed me that night? Why...?"

I stare at her in shock as tears start to trail down her cheeks. I pull her to my chest and wrap my arms around her. I feel her resist for a moment before she presses herself closer. Her body trembles against mine as she starts to cry harder but she's still trying to hold it back and keep it silent. The door opens behind her and I find Zen with his attendants looking at us in confusion.

"Lord Brother, the guards have discovered the body of a young woman not too far from the castle wall and further investigation revealed what appears to be a cave used as housing that contained the body of another man. We're not sure who they were or what happened but it's considered a security threat."

Kitty pulls away from me suddenly and it seems like I only blinked and she's gone.

"Is she okay? It looked like she was bleeding."

"Kathlin cut her hand and got blood on her clothes. She will be alright." I lie. "What did the people look like?"

"She had long dark brown hair and brown eyes. They said she was wearing shorts despite the weather so she may not have been local. He had dark hair and green eyes, about the same build as Mitsuhide."

Mirella and that man she threatened before she took me to Safehaven match those descriptions. Mirella was hiding from him for a while supposedly, could they have killed each other? It's possible, but with Kitty's earlier vague explanation of why she was covered in blood ties her to it. They were good friends so why would she kill her friend? She said someone took her away from me so what does that mean? Does it even mean anything? Kitty is drunk after all...

"Just increase border security for a few days." I mumble as I brush past them to search for Kitty.

Her ruined clothes are in the basket in my bathroom along with a bloodstained rag but Kitty herself is gone. I return to my office and step out onto the balcony. I notice a figure moving through the trees on the grounds and call for Obi. The person changes directions and he appears before me a moment later. He opens his mouth, likely to ask what Kitty did this time, as usual but I hold up a hand to silence him.

"Have you seen her?"

"Not since-" He trails off as his eyes move upward. "-just now... That doesn't look too safe. Kitty appears to be walking across the roof above us but she doesn't seem too steady."

"She is drunk."


"Again, actually. Make sure she doesn't fall and try to get her back inside."

"What's up with her? She was a bit too eager to drink last night after she talked to me about your job offer."

"That's what I would like to know but she's not the most understandable when she's like this. Now go."

I watch as he climbs the tree and jumps up onto the roof. I lean against the rail to try to see her but they're just out of my line of sight. I can hear their voices carried on the breeze but not their words. She sounds mad though. I hear their boots on the roof coming closer then snapping twigs shortly after as they come crashing through the tree.

"Might take a bit longer than I thought." Obi tells me as he dodges her kick and knocks her to the ground.

I sigh and use the small staircase to head to the ground level that neither of them seem to realize exists. I lean against the trunk of the tree as they fight each other though I'm not sure how the fight started. Even drunk Kitty is still going strong. I still would like to see her skills sober and actually trying. They're not talking but I notice his expression is focused but he doesn't appear to really be trying to hit or hurt her. Her attacks are rather unpredictable and her scowl betrays her anger though the occasional sniffle shows she's crying.

"Damnit!" My eyes widen slightly as she stops mid-punch and lets her arm fall to her side before she sinks to her knees.

She covers her mouth with her hands to choke back the sob that escapes.

"Sorry, Kitty. You needed to let it out though." Obi mutters before lightly ruffling her hood. "She's all yours." 

You Amuse Me *Izana x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now