Bath Time and Stolen Clothes

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My eyes open slowly and I can feel the pain throughout my body but nowhere near as bad as it was before. Ryuu has skills when it comes to pain relievers. The chair Izana had been in is empty, he's probably back in his office. I burrow deeper into the blankets and the room falls into silence again until I hear soft breathing beside me. That can't be good. With great difficulty and a bit of pain, I manage to slowly roll myself onto my back again, then turn my head. Holy mother of God, Izana is asleep beside me. How and why did that happen? I resist the urge to kick him and call him a pervert since he isn't actually touching me at all and instead focus on how peaceful he looks. His jaw isn't clenched from stress and his whole face is simply relaxed. My gaze moves to his hair, reminding me of when I first saw him that night in his office. I instantly wanted to run my fingers through it but was bound to a chair at the time.

I resist the urge to touch his hair and with great difficulty I manage to get out of the bed and to my feet without waking him. Each step sends jolts of pain through my body but I'm moving and that's what matters most. I'm that much closer to getting out of here. I cast a look back to the bed before focusing on the door across from me. Out of curiosity, I limp my way over and open it to find a rather large bathroom. Most homes I've ever been in didn't have such luxuries, including running water but the castle certainly appears to have it. Damn rich people... I look toward the tub before glancing back at Izana. If I hurry, I may be able to bathe before I sneak out of here. It would certainly be nice, but if he wakes up I won't be able to leave I'm sure. I close the door behind me and hesitantly turn the knobs until a nice stream of hot water flows out. Nice. First warm bath in... a lot of years. After adding soap to the water, I drift over to the mirror and scowl at my reflection. It's bad enough I'm without my cloak so my face is easily seen, but both eyes and my lip are injured, there's a thin bandaging around my throat, one arm is in a sling, the other is bandaged lightly and I can feel the prickling of stitches beneath it, without looking I know there are several sets of stitches beneath the shirt, and my legs are practically speckled with bruises. At least I didn't die. I probably looked much worse when I first got here. There's no telling unless I ask Izana.

I cut off the water and begin to carefully undo the bandages covering my body followed by the sling, earning sharp pain through my collar bone, then fight through the pain to remove the shirt and... my bra is gone. That's news to me. If Izana did it I will end him. At least my lower half was covered still. I gingerly get into the tub and settle in the warmth. A girl could definitely get used to this. I sigh and let the water ease my muscles for a few minutes, then begin the process of trying to scrub out the bloodstains in my hair. It's difficult and painful but I manage to clean my body afterward then drain the bath as I get out. I spot a stack of towels on the nearby counter and wrap one around my body before drying my hair with another. I can still see hints of pink streaked throughout but it's better than it had been. I head to the door and peek my head out to make sure Izana is still asleep. It doesn't appear like he's moved since I went in here so that's a good sign. Perhaps I can rummage through his clothing and find something warm and clean I can steal so I won't freeze to death when I go.

My search proved almost successful, as I found a black shirt with long sleeves but I know without a doubt that his pants would be much too difficult to attempt to wear considering our height and size difference. He has to be at least six inches taller than I am so I would drown in the fabric. I struggle slightly but manage to get the shirt on before letting the towel fall from my body. The fabric hits just above my knees so I'm covered but it still feels a bit strange. I return to the bathroom and clean up the bandages and put my underwear and sling back on before tossing the old shirt and the towel into a basket near the door. I don't have a comb or anything and I'm not sure what happened to my ribbon, but I stand by the mirror and carefully run my fingers through the knots until my hair looks less unruly. Mirella is supposed to come by in a few days, maybe I will have her trim my hair for me... What is today? Izana said I was asleep for three, my escape was four... She should already be on her way. If those men are still out there for some reason, she could be in danger. I let out a quiet stream of curses as I make my way through the bathroom and into his bedroom again. I really wish I had my cloak. I notice a stack of freshly folded towels on the table by the door, a bundle of black fabric on top. Could it be? It is. I smile softly as I hug the cloak to my chest before putting it on. My legs will still be cold but I'll deal with that later. I find my boots and sword at the foot of the bed and slip them on, then decide to take another dose of my pain relievers before sticking the bottles in the inner pocket of my cloak. I stop at the door and turn back to Izana one last time before turning the knob.

"Leaving so soon?"

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