Licking Palms

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I'm glad that we got to Mirella in time but I wish Izana would return to the castle so I don't have to reveal my home to him. I ask if he's coming after I bat away her attempts to hug me and make sure to mention that he could go home but he steps forward and motions for me to lead the way. Fantastic. I sigh and lead the way to the cave with Mirella beside me and Izana trailing slightly behind.

"You're not injured, are you?" I ask the brunette.

"I'm fine, I feel as though I should ask you. You're in rough shape." Her voice drops to a whisper. "And who is he?"

"I'm on pain relievers, I'm peachy." I smirk. "He is... an associate of mine. Pay him no mind."

"He's rather handsome... Is he even human?"

"I'm not too sure of that myself."

We reach the entrance to the cave and I gesture for her to go ahead, then turn to Izana. He arches a brow in confusion and I remind him that everything is a secret and will be forgotten once he returns to the castle. He mumbles something about lack of trust and I shoot him a look before telling him to watch his head. I take his hand with my uninjured one and lead him into the cave. Mirella is settled on the log messing with the small fire she set.

"I'm sorry I was late, Mire." I mumble as I release his hand.

"You were right on time actually. Who were those men?"

"Traffickers. Sell anyone to anyone for the right price." I head to the trunk and dig through it before pulling out a pair of shorts. "Hey, do you have extra pants? I'll trade you these."

"I love those!" She grins and tosses me a pair of black pants as I throw the shorts to her.

"I might need help putting these on." I sigh and she helps me.

I notice Izana staring at the cave in a strange mix of emotions. I can't wait to hear his string of insults about how primitive and disgusting this place is, but for now, I have to take care of Mirella.

"How long are you staying? I don't exactly have much of anything stocked up. Winter preparations didn't go over very well and I've been out of commission for a few days but you're welcome to whatever is around. I can restock when I go back to the village."

"I'll just be here overnight. The ship leaves in two days. I'll return in two weeks with your profit."

"Alright. You know where the supplies are. Bring me something good. I sadly can't stay as I have business to take care of."

She looks between me and Izana and winks and I grin. That's definitely not what I was referring to but I'll let her think that.

"Be safe, Kat, don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Oh, trust me Love, I'll do everything."

Izana and I make it out of the cave and I lead him back toward the castle wall but he stops a few feet away and turns back toward the entrance. I do my best to cross my arms over my chest before leaning against a tree. I guess he's still processing. He chuckles softly and shakes his head before starting to laugh again. I feel a flare of anger and grab his arm.

"And what exactly are you laughing at? I'm sorry that my home isn't quite up to the standards of the castle but if you're going to mock it you can go to-"

His hand gently covers my mouth and gives me a pointed look to stop talking. I lick his palm in defiance and smirk when he removes it with a strange look before wiping it on my cloak.

"Are you finished?"

"Depends on your next words." I huff.

"I recognized the cave, that's all."

"What do you mean?" I ask, arching a brow.

"I found it when I was younger and hid away whenever I wanted to get out of the castle. As I got older I wasn't able to go as often and eventually stopped completely and forgot about it."

"Well it works for what I need it for."

"How do you live in there, honestly? I'm not talking about the size of it or anything like that so don't get defensive again or I'll have to cover your mouth again-"

"I'd lick it again." I cut in with a smirk as I pull him along. "When you live the lifestyle that I do, you learn to make anything work. I have a fire for cooking and warmth. That pile of blankets was my bed. I store food underground, my clothes are in the trunk. I have weapons and medical supplies. That log is my couch. There's a stream not too far away and the village isn't far so I barter items or services for what I need."

"You sleep on th-" He trails off and shakes his head. "But how? Why, I-"

I turn around and put my hand over his mouth. "Are you done?"

To my relief, he doesn't lick my hand but nods his head so I drop my hand.

"Some people don't have the opportunity to live in the lap of luxury, Darling. Now, this tree gets you to that tree so you can go back to your comforts."

"What about you? You said you weren't staying with that girl."

"I'm not but I can't just stay locked away in the castle either. Besides, when I woke up this morning, you were in bed with me. I thought you had better self control than that." I smirk as I trail my fingers up his chest.

"You were the one who begged me to climb into bed with you, Kitty." He retorts, catching my hand with his.

Our eyes meet and I feel a strange tug in my chest that makes me jerk from his grip. What was that? I stare at my hand in shock before pushing it back and clearing my throat.

"I-I doubt that." I curse the warmth in my face and the stutter in my voice. How dare he try to fluster me like that.

"Two more days, just to heal, then you're free to do whatever it is you do when you aren't lurking around my castle?"

"Can I keep this shirt?"

"I guess?" He mutters, arching a brow.

"Then we have a deal." 

You Amuse Me *Izana x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now