Safehaven (Part 2)

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Izana POV

I follow Kitty back through to the main room then up the left staircase, ignoring the gazes of the scantily clad women lingering on the steps. She seems so at ease like she belongs here. I noticed several of the patrons giving her nods or calling out greetings as we passed. We stop in front of a set of double doors with a large 'M' elegantly carved into the wood. She pulls something off of the hilt of her sword, a small brass key, and unlocks the door. The room was obviously once the head of the household's bedroom and though the bed is still there, it seems like no one has stepped foot inside in months at least. She casts a look at me and motions for me to enter. I'm hesitant but I comply and watch as she locks the door behind us, lights a few candles, then removes her hood. That's surprising. She lets out a soft sigh of content, then sprawls out on the bed after putting the bottles on the nearby table.

"Things seem to be running smoothly, that's good." She mumbles to herself before looking over at me. "I know you're hopelessly confused and dying for answers, so grab the alcohol and take a seat Darling. It's going to be a bumpy ride. Also, so you know, this bed has only ever had one occupant, which is me, so don't worry about germs and such on your precious rich person body." I roll my eyes and grab the bottles then sit beside her.

Kitty sits up, taking a bottle from me along the way, then proceeds to take a rather large swig from it before grinning. I hear her mumble something about missing the burn then urges me to try it. I eye the bottle and find that the worn label is familiar. This is a whiskey that we regularly have in the castle. How do they have it? I shrug and take a tentative sip, hoping it's not drugged or poisoned.

"We are here and you said I get answers, so start talking please."

"Let me get a buzz first. Answers don't come too freely." She snickers. "Also, you need to relax. This place is perfectly-" She's cut off by a loud scream from the floor below. "-safe. Unless you're that guy."

"Can I at least know what this place is?"

"I suppose I can tell you that much for now. This is the Safehaven. It's a place for people like me to rest, recover, and hide. It's also a good place to pick up jobs if needed. We have a board where jobs are posted and people pick up what they want and arrange it with Loni downstairs."

"How did a place like this even come about?"

"The head of this household decided to do something decent with it instead of torching it like she originally wanted. She had enough connections to get it started then word spread through the shadows. Now three years later it's still going strong without her so she could do as she pleased. She still comes around here and there to monitor things or to get away."

"Who is she?" I ask softly.

I'm slightly amazed by her explanation of this place. I knew that criminals and such would have safe houses, among other things, and were typically very crafty and resourceful. I didn't expect for it to be this well planned out by a woman who just didn't want to burn her house down.

"Her name is Kathlin Merren, but trust me you wouldn't find anything on her if you searched for it. Rumour has it that she went through and erased every trace of her existence from files, including the castle. Oh, I need more... I'm not tipsy yet."

She reaches over and presses something on the side table and a few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. It's the bartender with four more bottles that she places on the table before bowing and leaving.

Between the two of us, all six bottles end up empty, though more of it was drunk by her. I simply enjoyed the peaceful feeling of not working or being in the castle. She seemed to be drinking to bring her guard down enough to talk. I respect that she's trying to keep her word. I move to settle against the headboard and stretch my legs out and a moment later a pillow appears in my lap and she lays out across the bed with her head on the pillow.

"Ah, so comfortable. So, what is there to know?" She asks while stifling a yawn.


"That's a lot. If I tell you anything, including what I already have, and you use it to retaliate against this place, myself, or anyone else, I will hunt you down and you'll face the same fate as I promised Eirin, understood?"

"So demanding." I chuckle. "I will only retaliate if there is an immediate danger to myself or my kingdom."

"Doubtful. So, ask away, though I will veto any question I don't wish to answer and I hold the right to ask my own."

"What happened with those men we encountered in the forest when you met with... Mirella, was it?"

She sighs and her expression darkens as she stares up at the ceiling. "I was leaving the village I get my supplies from and they ambushed me for the supplies. In the struggle, my hood fell back. They decided they could get far more from me than just my supplies, so they took me down. I of course fought the whole time until they knocked me out. They spent two days torturing me to try to break my spirit so I'd no longer resist when they went to sell me. It would have gone on longer but I finally got the ropes free and fought my way out. They tracked me through the snow, intent on killing me but I was able to get away and made it to the castle since I couldn't go home without them finding me."

She sits up slightly and her hand reaches for her cloak hood but I catch her hand. "Don't hide yourself, please."

Her eyes widen slightly but she slowly lays back down. 

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