Blast From the Past?

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I can't seem to look away from Izana's eyes. He'd told me to shut up when I explained once again why I prefer to hide my appearance. His harsh words made me want to hurt him but I was so shocked all I could do was question what I heard.

"You're not hideous... Far from it actually." He mumbles, one of his hands reaching up to lightly touch my face.

The contact sends a spark through me and my breath leaves me in a rush.

"Izana, I-" I start but my words escape me as the distance between us closes.

My eyes widen as his lips brush mine before actually kissing me. I'm not sure what this feeling is in my chest but despite the little voice in the back of my head screaming at me to run away or hit him, the rest of me is making me pull him closer as my eyes drift closed. My mouth moves with his but I pull away as I hear footsteps rapidly coming toward the door. I leave his grip and pull my hood up as I face the door. It crashes open and I draw my sword, running it through a man as he lunges at me. I clash blades with another man and notice Izana with my old sword holding his own against two others. Once the men are dead, I decide now is a good time to leave before things get any worse than they already are. I latch onto his wrist as he drops the sword and pull him through the house to talk to Zari. I'd left her to run Safehaven so I could do as I wished. I approach the counter and ask her to clean up and lock up, mentioning that there are in fact five bodies to tend to. She thanks me for coming to visit and I tell her that I'll try to come by more often. I really do mean to stop by sometimes but life doesn't always allow for anything I want to happen. I lead Izana outside and head back toward the castle walls. The sooner I can get him back to the castle safely, the sooner I can do what I need to do.

I stop our path when we reach the tree that will lead him over the wall. I want to turn around and look at him but I can't bring myself to move. I don't think I can look at him anymore. The universe seems to grant me a small kindness as the moonlight is obscured by the clouds, plunging us in total darkness. I turn back toward him and can still slightly see him but it's a lot easier knowing that he can't see me back.

"Kitty, I just-" He starts and I can't handle hearing whatever it is he's going to say.

"Please, don't." I cut in, my voice a whisper. "I-I have to go. Take care of yourself Izana."

I force myself to release his hand and he immediately reaches out for me but I move my hand out of the way.

"Wait, Kitty, please."

I turn away and climb into the nearest tree and hurry away from him, ignoring the pain in my heart with every second.

I said too much. I said way too much. I ruined everything. I didn't remember that I had been so close to Izana as a child until he started to talk about what happened to my parents and it all came together. I'd stopped being Kathlin Meribeth Merren so long ago that I started to see Kathlin as an entirely separate person from myself so it didn't matter to me as much to speak of myself in that way. That, mixed with the alcohol and our past, blew my cover wide open. To top it all off, he kissed me! And I kissed him back. I'm not sure what would have happened if the men who wanted me dead hadn't burst through the door. I knew that I had to lead him back to the castle despite the overwhelming urge to run and hide, so that's what I chose to do. Then I ran and hid like the coward I am...

I'm not sure where I'm going to go or what I'm going to do but I can't just stay in the castle with Izana after everything that happened. That would be stupid. I'll just... stay in the cave for the night and pick up at job at Safehaven tomorrow. It'll keep me busy for a few days anyway while I sort out the mental storm I put myself in. That'll work I'm sure. I reach the cave and drop from the trees I'd used to leave Izana behind, then enter the cave. My eyes widen as I reach my base and I stare the man seated in front of the fire.

"Hello again, Kitten." He looks up with a smirk.


"Now, now. Is that any way to talk to your Master?" He drawls as he gets to his feet.

I take a step backward as he takes a step toward me. His violet eyes are trained on mine and I can't look away. Did I drink too much? Did I get brain damage from the fight?

"You're not my Master anymore. You're dead. You died... I saw it happen."

A grin stretches across his face as my back hits the wall.

"Things aren't always as they appear, Kitten. It took me a while to find you again. Why did you hide from me?"

His hand caresses my face, much like Izana had done earlier, but his touch is cold and harsh as Izana's was soft and careful. He grips my jaw harshly as he looks me up and down. 

You Amuse Me *Izana x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now