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Kitty POV

I wake up from a nightmare with a jolt and sit up. I feel as if all I've done since I met Izana is sleep. My injuries and being in this castle has made me lazy. I don't like it. I shake away the lingering feelings from the nightmare and look down at Izana. He's still sleeping peacefully, his hair a bit messy, but he looks handsome as ever. I slip out of bed and check the bathroom for my pants because torn or not, I need something warmer than Izana's undergarments to keep my legs warm. I straighten my cloak and shirt before running my fingers through my hair. It had dried slightly messy so my normally pin-straight hair has a bit of a wave to it. Of course if I tried to recreate it on my own it would never work. I sigh and freshen up before returning to the bedroom to track down the rest of my belongings. I've been here too long, relying on Izana and getting attached. Kaine is dead, for real this time, so I should start rebuilding. I'll clean out the cave and pick up some jobs from Safehaven to get what I need to start again. I can sleep there until the cave is ready and I'm sure if I explained to the villagers that my home burned they might help if I needed it. That should be enough to try to get my life back on track. Izana deserves to be free of me ruining his life and distracting from his work. Besides, after what Kaine did, I'm ruined. No one would ever want someone who is marked for another. I sigh and walk to Izana's bedside and gently kiss his forehead before raising my hood and walking out.

I slip out of his quarters and make it to his office without being seen. It's early morning and if I remember right there won't be any guards on the side of the castle I need to use for another twenty minutes. That's plenty of time to get out unnoticed. Perfect. I smile softly as I push open the balcony doors and slip out of the castle. I lean against the railing for a few seconds to enjoy the icy air, then prepare to climb up onto the rail to get into the tree.

"Hold right there." Well, shit. "Put your hands up, slowly turn around, and remove your hood."

"I'll comply with everything except the hood removal." I mumble as I follow the rest of the steps.

It's the teal haired man, Prince Zen's attendant, and six guards.

"Who are you and why are you in the castle?"

"Don't worry, Darling, I was just leaving. I do think that seven people to investigate one woman is a little overkill though."

"State your name and your business here." He repeats.

"I am me, and me is leaving. Honestly, it's as if you don't even listen."

He nods his head toward me and the guards move toward me and I reach to draw my sword but they instantly have my arms secured in their grip so I can't reach or retaliate. The man steps forward and reaches for my cloak.

"Don't you dare." I hiss but he does it anyway.

His eyes widen slightly as he looks at me and I scowl in response since I can't get my hood back up on my own.

"There you are Miss. You really shouldn't wander off like that. Prince Izana told me to make sure you made it out of the castle alright. Oh, hey Mitsuhide. What are you doing?"

Thank God for Obi. I never thought I'd have to say that in my lifetime, let alone twice now.

"I'm sorry Sir, I'd gotten distracted by the snow and I just love the view from his office. Then these men came and started to harass me." I put on a fake innocent tone.

"Obi, who is she? We've been investigating the person that's been seen around the castle wearing a dark cloak like hers."

"She is a private guest of Prince Izana. Due to personal issues, the Miss has requested anonymity while in the castle and he granted it by allowing her to use her cloak and not announcing her presence. Now, I don't think he would particularly like it if he saw how you are treating her."

The man Obi called Mitsuhide reluctantly allowed me to be released and they offered their apologies before walking out. I pull my hood back up and make sure my hair is hidden again before turning to Obi with a grin. He returns it with an exhausted look like I'd made him come to rescue me. I sigh and move to sit behind Izana's desk and prop my boots on the wooden surface.

"T-Tha- ugh, how do people say that? It's so... gross." I mumble.

"What was that, Kitty? I didn't hear you." His smug voice calls out as he sprawls out across a chair.

I shoot him a glare and manage to mumble out a thank you to him.

"Thank you for rescuing me from Kaine as well..." I add softly as I stare out through the balcony doors.

"I knew Kaine before we met but I'd never seen you around. I'd even been to his house and never saw you. Why?"

"That depends on the time frame. If it was within the last six months before we met, it was because I was likely restrained somewhere in the house or unconscious. If it was before that, I was... likely restrained, unconscious, or on a job."

"Why did you go back to him if he treated you that way?"

My eyes flick over to him as I arch a brow. "It wasn't very willing, Darling. I was under the impression that he was dead. He ambushed me in the cave... He's part of the reason I left you alive. I was in disbelief that he was dead and hoped that with you around, even injured that he wouldn't be able to get to me."

"Can I ask what you and the prince are doing? This whole thing seems rather strange and I don't quite understand."

"I'm not too sure myself." I chuckle. "That night of the party when you left me here, he decided not to turn me in because I amused him when we talked. I was curious so I hung around. I came back when I was attacked in the forest by coyotes and was out of medical supplies. We just continued to talk and enjoyed each other's company. I guess it's a mutual fascination or something. We recently discovered that we knew each other in the past, well a version of me anyway... I was going to leave this morning. I need to start over and replace what Kaine destroyed and I'm sure Izana would be better off without me here anyway. It's risky for him to allow me to be here and I'm a distraction. Then there's the whole matter of my appearance..." I sigh and tug at my hood. "It's complicated."

"What is wrong with your appearance?" He mumbles as I feel him stare at me.

"Did you not notice the freaky white hair? All my life I've only ever heard it called hideous and that I was a mistake allowed to live and now there's the mar-" I trail off to stop it. I'd rather that not be known.

"I like your hair. It reminds me of Miss Shirayuki. She has unusual hair as well but hers is as red as an apple."

"Who is that?"

"She's an herbalist here at the castle. Master is completely head over heels for her, but he won't admit it."

"I've only ever met Ryuu. He's a nice kid. He calls me Miss Kit."

"You know, if you are still planning to leave, you may want to do it while you can. I can't imagine that Prince Izana would be too thrilled if you tried to leave while he was awake. He won't be thrilled that you left while he was asleep, but at least now you can go without him stopping you."

"Good point." I mumble as I get to my feet. "Oh, have you heard of a place called Safehaven?"

"Yeah, that's that old manor safe house not too far from here, right?"

"That's the one. As payment for what you have done for me and for Izana, take this. It will let you in if you present it at the door. Tell Zari you're a guest of the Miss, she'll take care of you. Just don't run around flashing your castle ID or you'll get murdered." 

You Amuse Me *Izana x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now