Safehaven (Part 1)

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Izana POV

I'm not sure where Kitty plans on taking me or what she has planned, but I'm curious. I never know what to expect with her and the promise of answers is too good to pass up. In her current state, if it somehow turns out to be a trap or something dangerous, I should be able to take her down with ease. I rather hope it doesn't come to that though. I'm currently watching in amusement as she digs through my clothing in search of what she called 'clothing that doesn't look like it's worth more than her life'. She's mumbling under her breath and I catch the words 'damn rich people' quite a few times.

"Why do you only have rich people clothes?" She groans as she turns to face me.


"The First Prince of Clarines." She cuts in. "I know... Here. Wear this and this, lose that."

I catch the items she throws at me and find them to be all black. I don't exactly wear this normally but I assume it'll go along with whatever she is planning. I cut her a look and she smirks.

"Don't worry, I won't peek... Much. I'll keep my eyes above the belt, if that helps."

I sigh and she huffs before slipping out of the room, mumbling about me being a prude under her breath. I change the pants first but as I start to button the shirt, I hear her slowly clap. I turn to find Kitty leaning against the door, her eyes lifting from my stomach up to my eyes.

"This confirms it."

"What?" I ask, tearing my gaze from hers.

"That you're not human. Now, the real question is what are you?"

I shake my head at her answer. She is a strange one. She pushes away from the wall and circles me slowly before shrugging.

"Good enough. Just don't go around flashing your title and status to everyone. Low profile tonight, okay? I'll protect you if the need arises. Now, let's go."

I let Kitty lead me through the forest outside of the castle toward the cave she calls her home. She glances back at me and informs me that it's not our destination but she has to stop for something before we get to where we're going. I watch her disappear into the cave since she asked me to wait outside since it would only take a second. I hear a crash from within the cave and her cursing but a moment later, she returns, dragging a bound man behind her. I arch a brow and ask what the man has to do with her plans.

"Well, he's more of a bump in the road to our plans. He ambushed me when I entered the cave. Now, Eirin, why would you do a thing like that?" She hums as she leans down to rip the gag from his mouth.

"Mirella was here! I know she was. Where the hell is she!?" He shouts.

"Mirella came and went within a day. I have no idea where she is now. What I do know is that she wants nothing to do with you. and your pathetic attempt at whatever this is isn't going to change a thing."

"She's mine! You took her from me and you'll pay for that you little thieving whore!"

Kitty laughs and roughly plants the heel of her boot on his ribs. "You make it sound like I slept with her. While she is rather pretty, I'd much rather enjoy the company of a man. All I did was take her in and protected her after she came to me covered in bruises from your hand. You should have counted your blessings that I let you live instead of stringing you from the trees as a treat for the coyotes."

Kitty is mad, that much is evident, but I can tell that she's simply toying with the man. Her name fits her personality I suppose. That's cute. I tune back into their conversation as she cuts him free and hauls him to his feet by his throat. She threatens him again that if they cross paths, he invades her home again, or bothers Mirella that she would make good on her promise to feed him to the animals. To my surprise, she roughly kicks him in the face after releasing him and he slumps to the ground.

"Alright, let's get going."

Kitty stops in front of what looks like an abandoned manor almost fully hidden behind thick layers of vines and brush. The windows have been boarded over but she casts me a grin, her smile lit by the moon hanging above us, then leads me to the door.

"What is-?" I start to ask but she holds a finger to her lips.

"All in good time, Darling. Just remember, outside, what I say goes and nothing leaves your mind. Not a word or action will be taken due to what you see or hear."

I nod and she turns back to the door and knocks out a code. A slit opens in the door itself and she pulls a coin from her sling and passes it through. It's sent back a moment later and the door opens. She grins and latches onto my hand and pulls me inside.

I'm right, it is an old manor but it seems to have been converted into a tavern and possibly a restaurant on the first floor, based on the scent of food lingering in the air. What lies on the second floor, I'm not sure. Smoke hangs heavy in the air and there are people settled throughout the room, seated on old furniture, crates, and barrels. The only light seems to come from oil lamps scattered around which is plenty to see by but still leaves a lot of shadow to hide in.

"Welcome to paradise, Darling."

I feel her grab my hand as she drags me around to another room where a young woman is selling bottles of alcohol from behind a long makeshift counter made of wooden planks and several barrels. Kitty leaves me and greets the woman who hugs her briefly despite her protests and slides her two bottles.

"So, what exactly is this place?"

"I'll explain in a moment, now come with me."

You Amuse Me *Izana x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now