Late Night Snack

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I wake up surrounded by the warmth of Izana's bed and sigh. I'd torn stitches while moving through the trees and fighting. I knew it as soon it happened but I had more important things to worry about than bleeding and if I would have mentioned it Izana would've likely interrupted my task and Mirella would have been killed or sold off. I try to sit up but there's a weight settled around my stomach. This can't be a good thing... I bring my good hand down from the pillow and feel around before brushing against a hand. Oh yeah, this is not good. I don't do the cuddle thing. That's a little too mushy for my taste. I try to shuffle out from under the arm but my movement makes him stretch instead and pull me closer. The motion sends a spike of pain from my ribs but it settles quickly and I feel his breath on my neck. Nope. No. Can't do it.

"Izana." Nothing. "Izana if you don't let me go right now I will force your toes up your nose and into your brain."

"That sounds painful." He mumbles, his voice husky from sleep.

That mixed with him breathing on my neck sends a chill down my spine. He doesn't relinquish his hold on me so I start to try to pull myself away again.

"Izana you are holding me and it's weird and I don't cuddle. I am an omen of death, not a pillow."

He releases me and I scoot back over to my side.

"Sorry. There's usually a pillow there." He chuckles.

"Damn rich people having enough money for a pillow, let alone multiples..." I hiss before squinting at the window. It's dark so I can't tell what time it is or how long I've been asleep, so I ask.

"It's around three in the morning."

"That's why I'm awake. It's usually the start of my day." I sigh.

"Sleeping sounds better than being awake right now."

"Then go back to sleep. I'm going to stretch my legs for a bit."

"Be careful, don't get caught, don't cause trouble." He mumbles. "And try not to steal anything otherwise our arrangement will be void."

"So demanding, Darling."

After retrieving my cloak, boots, and sword from the nearby chair and dressing, I slip out of the room and return to his office since the balcony and tree are the easiest way for me to get out and move without hurting myself or getting caught. The grounds are silent and dark except for the few lamps dotting the landscape. In the distance I can hear the night guards talking softly from their posts. There's enough shadow that even with how slow and restricted I am, I shouldn't be seen and I'll be able to get away if I am. My stomach growls as my feet touch the ground and I scowl. I'd certainly be discovered if I move around with that going on. It's been a while since I've eaten. I should be able slip something from the kitchens since the help should be asleep for another hour or so. It's technically stealing but I doubt Izana would prosecute me for taking a slice or bread or an apple. If he does, he's just as petty as he is pretty. I enter the kitchen and find a small oil lamp on one of the counters. I light it so I can see, then begin to dig through the pantries in search of something to eat.

"What are you doing now, Kitty?"

"Looking for food, black cat. What does it look like?" I huff without turning around.

"Why are you still here? There's no way Izana would hire someone like you."

"Someone like me?" I chuckle. "If you've forgotten, you used to be the exact same as me. Dodging those who wanted us dead while looking out for number one. Now you think you're better than me for swearing allegiance to a castle that would have executed you on the spot otherwise? That's amusing."

"I'm better than you because I found something better to do with my life than to constantly be on the run and lying to everyone I come across."

"Who says I'm lying or on the run?" I ask as I turn around with an orange in my hand.

"You were obviously running when you fell over the wall covered in blood and when I saw you in the forest earlier that day running for your life." He answers as he leans against a counter.

"Why don't you try being ambushed by two men for a simple robbery and when they figure out that you have unusual hair they abduct and torture you for two days to try to break your spirit so they can sell you without resistance?" I growl, abandoning my orange on the counter to step toward him. "Why don't you fight tooth and nail to escape after that and tell me that you would not run? Tell me you would sit there and take it." He's silent and I notice his gaze soften as he looks at me.

"That's what I thought... Stay out of my way Obi and I'll stay out of yours." I sigh and pick up my orange before walking out. I return to Izana's office, my mood thoroughly ruined by Obi yet again. I ate my orange along the way and discarded the peels in a flower bed I passed. I want to fight to work through the emotions threatening to surface but I'm far too broken right now to do it safely. As much as I hate admitting that, I don't feel like dying because of a stupid boy. I settle behind his desk, propping my boots up on the top and sigh. I'm not even sure what exactly I'm feeling. Anger is a possibility but there's a tightness in my chest and throat that I'm not familiar with. I tilt my head back and try to make sense of it as the clock on the far side of the room ticks away the remains of my patience and sanity. I get to my feet as the noise becomes unbearable and make my way back to Izana's room. Perhaps I can sleep it away, maybe take a higher dose of Ryuu's medicine and get the sleep you can't remember. Izana is still asleep when I enter and I remove my sword, boots, and cloak before carefully laying beside him. As I cover myself, I feel him shift and my body is gently dragged closer to him and his face nestles in the crook of my neck. I dislike cuddling and intimacy but the contact brings back the tight feeling I'd felt in the office but also brings a sense of relief. As my eyes close and the pills kick in, I feel something wet run down my cheek. 

You Amuse Me *Izana x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now