Making Friends and Fist Fights

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Kitty POV

Since I've been introduced to Zen and he is permitting Kathlin into the castle, as long as I keep up the whole pretending to not be a criminal thing, Izana said I should be fine to move around. I just have to be careful and polite. I haven't done much over the past few days as our free time was spent together in private, but Izana said he is busy all day today so I have nothing to do at all and I'm getting restless. I sigh and pull my hood up before making my way out of the bedroom to find some form of entertainment. After taking an apple from the kitchens, I notice Obi walking across the grounds with a woman with bright red hair. That must be the Shirayuki he talked about. Her hair is rather unusual, but I'm sure with her easy life in the palace she didn't have to deal with most of the issues I have. Lucky girl. I'm leery of being around too many people but I think with Obi around he won't let anything happen, so I change my direction to meet them.

"Hello Kathlin." I can hear the smug tone in his voice at knowing my true name so I shoot him a look before directing my attention to the redhead.

"You must be Miss Shirayuki. Obi's spoke so much about you. He seems to simply adore you." I grin, smirking internally as he tenses beside her.

"Oh, hello. You're Prince Izana's guest, aren't you? I just heard of your arrival this morning. Zen said you were childhood friends."

I force a friendly smile and nod. "Yes, Zen has grown into quite the handsome young man. It's been nice reconnecting with Zen and Izana."

"Oh, Miss Shirayuki, Kathlin has unusual hair too." Obi chimes in and I shoot him a dark glare.

"Really? I bet people bother you about it all the time. I've been kidnapped a time or two because of it." She laughs as she absently messes with a lock of her hair.

"It happens far too often for my taste." I answer smoothly without looking away from Obi. "That's why I keep myself hidden."

"If you don't mind, I would like to see it."

I tear my gaze away from Obi and soften my expression as I look toward her. I then realize that we've somehow ended up in the greenhouse.

"I suppose, but only because you have weird hair too." I take a calming breath and slowly remove my hood.

"Whoa, it's so beautiful." She breathes, her eyes wide.

"I told you so." Obi snickers.

I subtly kick his shin before putting my hood back up.

"So how long are you staying Kathlin?"

"I'm not too sure honestly." I mumble. I hadn't thought about it and Izana and I never discussed it.

"Well, I hope to see you again before you leave. I have to get back to work now."

I drag Obi out of the greenhouses and as soon as we're out of her sight, I punch him and ask why the hell he did that to me. He ducks the punch and laughs as I swing again. I sigh and give up, too tired to pursue the fight. He ruffles my hair through the hood and tells me that he was helping me make friends while I'm here.

I cut my eyes up to him as I fix my hood. "You're trying to make me get attached to people so I won't want to leave, aren't you?"

"I don't know what you mean." He hums innocently.

"I'm sure. Also, have you told Shirayuki that you're in love with her yet?"

He freezes mid-step and chokes on his breath. "What?"

"It's painfully obvious, Darling. Hearts in your eyes and everything."

He starts to protest but it fades out as he deflates slightly. "She's in love with Master."

"Ooh, that sucks. Sorry about that."

"So how are you and Izana?" He asks to change the topic.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Kitty..." He drawls as he puts his arm over my shoulder. "I heard what you said on the other side of the wall that night and he was so about to kiss you. Does he love you back? Are you getting married? Tons of annoying little Izana Kitty babies on the way?"

I elbow him in the ribs and duck under his arm. "We aren't getting married and no babies for sure. You forget the whole he's a prince and I'm... definitely not in the same social status anymore."

"Anymore?" Oops.

"Forget it. I'm going to go toss myself off a balcony to see what happens at the bottom."

He catches my arm as I go to walk away and tells me to answer him.

"Why should I? You haven't exactly earned the right to demand answers, Darling."

"Good point. I'll fight you for answers." He smirks.

"What part of low-profile don't you understand?" I sigh.

"We'll go on the other side of the wall so no one will see."

"It would be entertaining to beat you..."

I duck Obi's foot and shove it upward, knocking him off balance. He latches onto my hand as he falls off the tree limb, taking me with him. I curse and struggle against his grip but manage to turn us so he hits the ground first. I seize the momentary advantage and reach for a dagger but he flips me off of him and pins me beneath him. I dodge his fists the best I can while swinging blindly at him. I manage to get a hit to his jaw and cringe as I hear a loud pop. He pins my wrists down with one hand as I struggle beneath him. He uses his free hand to push his jaw back into place as he smirks down at me.

"I believe I've won, Kitty."

"I believe you are coming across as a pervert, Obi." I mumble, making him take in our positioning.

"So it appears, though you're not my type." 

You Amuse Me *Izana x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now