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It was 4:00am Mr. Kim also known as Kim SeokJin, was up in his office already. He is the first to enter and the last to leave everyday. Only because he doesn't trust anyone to open and close the office. He sits in his office applying some chapstick in one of his many mirrors on his desk. He looks over at a file with the name Kim Namjoon on it. He picks it up and looks through it. His eyes widened as he read his file.

"This kid has been waiting 2 years for this position. How did I not know about him sooner.." Jin looked further into his file seeing that he was assigned to storage. He became angry knowing that his old assistant kept this from him because he didn't want get fired. Jin got up and went to the break room to get some water to calm down. Walking out of his office he saw Namjoon coming out of the elevator. He cocked his brow. "Why are you here so early. It's only 4:30am?" Namjoon tensed up afraid to get yelled at. "I-I didn't want to be late for my first day...so I figured being early-"
"Whatever. Your desk is over by my office. Go set up." Namjoon nodded and trotted towards his desk but tripped over a trash can. Jin stepped in an caught him. "Are you fucking blind?! Watch where you're going!" Jin yelled. "Sorry Mr. Kim! I'll be more aware." Namjoon stood up and brushed his suit off. He slowly walked to his desk with his head down. Jin walked back to his office but closely keeping an eye on the younger.


It was 5:26am, Jungkook and Taehyung walked in together laughing and holding coffee. "Yea that was funny! Sorry Tae but I'll catch up with you later. I gotta make his royal highness his daily coffee. blah." Jungkook stuck his tongue out and made a face.
"Haha. See ya!" Tae turned and sat down at his desk. He was the greeter so his desk was closest to the elevator. He took calls and escorted people to the waiting area or to Jin's office. Not much work so he basically walked around a lot talking with people. He noticed Namjoon with his head down at his desk and decided to introduce himself. "Hi! I'm Taehyung. You're Namjoon right? Nice to meet you!" Tae held out his hand and smiled wide. Namjoon looked up and nervously greeted him. "Hi.."
"Don't be so afraid of me! I won't hurt you. It's the boss who ya gotta watch out for you know? Anyway, I've never seen your face before. Where in the building did you come from?" Tae's eyes sparkled. He was simply very passionate about meeting new people. Namjoon didn't mind it but it was just to early for him. "I use to work in storage. I originally wanted to be an assistant but that didn't happen." Namjoon sighed and dazed off. "Woah! Storage. That sounds fun! I want to do storage too!" Tae beamed with amazement.

"Will you leave the poor guy alone? It's his first day. Shoo ya air head!" Some short guy came up and shooed Tae away with his hands in a playful manner. "Whaaa! You're so mean Jimin! I'm not an air head!" Tae said running to his desk. "Sorry about him. I'm Jimin."
Namjoon stood up to stretch and get himself some water. "Holy shit you're really tall!" Jimin said. He looked kinda angry. "Yea.." Namjoon looked off to the side. "Just because you're tall doesn't mean you get to push me around though. I'll kick your ass any day ya giant." Jimin put his fists up and play punched Namjoon. They both couldn't help but laugh. On the other hand, Jin was getting quite angry with all the attention Namjoon was getting. He stormed out of his office and towards the pair. "Will you two Mongrels shut up! I'm trying to get my work done like you should be doing!" Jimin bowed and said sorry. "We were just having fun." Namjoon defended. Jin's eyes twitched and everyone was looking at them. Whispers were heard. "Uh. I'm sorry Mr. Kim. I didn't mean to be rude-"
"My office. Now." Namjoon nodded and slowly made his way towards the office. "And as for you all. GET YOUR ASSES TO WORK! I DONT PAY YOU ALL TO CHAT AROUND!" Everyone panicked and started running around getting to work. Jin walked back to his office and closed the door. "Man. Namjoon is really asking for it with that attitude." Tae said. "I don't know. But I like him." Jimin said. Tae smirked. "Jimin has a crush~" he sang. "I-I do not! Tae stop it!" Jimin blushed and started hitting Tae's arm.

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