"What makes you think you can embarrass me infront of my staff like that?!" Jin says, closing the door behind him. Namjoon zoned out and didn't hear what his boss said. "I asked you a question. Namjoon!" Jin yelled his name to get his attention. Namjoon jumped. "S-sorry Mr.Kim!"
"Sit down." Jin gestured to the chair infront of his desk. Namjoon shuffled his way and sat down in the leather chair. "Tell me. What is wrong with you?" Jin said in a stern tone. Namjoon thought it was a rhetorical question but Jin didn't say anything after that. He couldn't actually answer the question. He didn't want Jin to know that he can't stop thinking of the incident from this morning. How Jin caught Namjoon in his big arms and looked down at him with his beautiful face. He blushed. "Namjoon. I'm starting to get tired of these games of yours. If you don't get your act together I will fire you. I can promise you that." Jin organized his paper. "And as for that question. Forget it. I do not care what's bothering you. Just do your work and we won't have a problem. Got it?" Jin folded his hands and looked at Namjoon with a powerful gaze. "Yes Mr. Kim...sorry for the bother." He got up at walked out of the room.~
Namjoon was copying some paper and suddenly got a chill. He looked out of the copy room and saw this built man in a black suit with a large jacket swaying behind him. He was walking strongly out of the elevator and straight to Jin's office. Tae bowed to him as he walked by. Namjoon looked at Tae across the room and mouthed "Who is he?"
Tae pointed to Jin's office and held up two fingers and crossed them. Signifying that the man and Jin were close. Namjoon hurried and finished copying them and went to his desk to sort of 'eavesdrop' on his boss and the other man.~
"Ah! My beloved Jinnie!" The man reached out and made kissy faces which were shut down by Jin's hand. "What the Hell are you doing here Hoseok. I'm working." Jin sighed.
"Can't I see my favorite self centered jerk every once and awhile? Hmph." Hoseok crosses his arms and plopped down in a chair. "I'm calling security." Jin said picking up his phone. "Wait! God, I won't bother you I just came to catch up." Hoseok rolled his eyes. "That's rather bothersome don't you think?" Jin said putting his head on his hand. "Hey who's the new guy?" Hoseok pointed to the window where Namjoon can be clearly seen looking through the glass. He blushed and hid his face away from the window. "He's cute." Hoseok licked his lips. "Stop it. He's my new assistant. Not a toy for you to play with." Jin pointed his finger at Hoseok. "Ooh. I get it. He's your play thing. Sorry." He smirked and continued watching Namjoon fumble around at his desk quickly taking glances at Hoseok. "Th-that's not it! I have no time for anyone but myself and you know that." Jin slammed his hands down. "Did you stutter? Oh Jin you have it bad for him don't you? Naughty naughty." Hoseok crossed his legs and shook his finger at Jin. "I do not! Now get out of my office! I will call security!" Jin started turning pink and yelled at him.~
Hoseok got up and grabbed the phone dialing Namjoon's phone. He watched at the younger fumbled and panicked to pick up the phone. "H-hello?" He said quietly. "Why don't you stop staring and come in here baby." Hoseok's voice slithered through the phone and into Namjoon's ears making him completely red. He hung up and quickly shifted into the bosses room. As he walked in he saw Jin trying to strangle Hoseok but failing. "S-sir you called?" Namjoon played with his thumbs. Hoseok sat on Jin's desk and tapped the chair with his foot. "Yes. Come sit." Namjoon hesitantly sat down and looked up at Hoseok. "Oh yes. I really do love when they look up at me." He caresses Namjoon's cheek and jaw. "You're very cute. I'm upset I can't ravish you...pity." Namjoon stopped working and just didn't know what to do. Jin grabbed Hoseok's arm. "Enough. Don't touch him." Jin said very seriously. Tightening his grip. "Oww! Jin that hurts! You know I'm joking!" Hoseok takes his wrist back and rubs it. He is known for pushing Jin's buttons and just over all annoying the shit out of him. Namjoon was sitting in his chair trying to process everything that Hoseok just said. For some reason he spoke his thought aloud. "He wants to r-ravish me? Like eat me?.." he gulped. Hoseok chuckled and lifted Namjoon's chin to make eye contact. "If you ever want me to eat you baby, here's my card." He slipped it into Namjoon's front pocket and tapped it. "Don't worry Jin. I'll escort him out." Jin stood there furious. He couldn't speak so he nodded and sat down watching Hoseok wrap his arm around Namjoon and walk out the door. "It was nice meeting you cutie. See ya!" He walked out with the same power he came in with. Namjoon shivered again watching him walk. It's like he changed the whole atmosphere in an instant.