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It was late that night and Namjoon had gone to bed. His doorbell rang, but he was sleeping so well. Yoongi banged on the wall, waking Joon up. "I got!" He barely had his eyes open as he sluggishly got up and walked down stairs. He looked into the camera to see who was at the door. His eyes widened as he saw his boss leaning against his door. He unlocked, and opened it. "Mr. Kim? What are you doing here?" Joon grabbed the others shoulders to help him from falling. Jin looked up at him with his face flustered and furrowed brows. "Joon..you know I'm better than Jimin right?" Jin slurred out. "Mr.Kim are you drunk?" Joon tried to pull Jin inside to get him to sober up but the boss wouldn't move. "Answer the question! I'm better than him right?" Jin yelled. "Shsh. People are sleeping. I don't know what you mean." Joon put his finger over the boss's lips. "F-forget it! I'm leaving." Jin pushed Joon back and stumbled out of the apartment complex. Namjoon thought about going after him, but he probably had a chauffeur so he turned around and went back to bed.


The next day at work, people were more relaxed and seemed more happy. Only because it was 11am and Jin wasn't in the office. That worried Namjoon, thinking that maybe he should've offered him a ride home.

He walked over to Jungkook, who was leaning against Taehyung's desk. "Do you know where the boss is?" He asked. "No. And I really don't care." Jungkook laughed. "You do realize that when the boss isn't here, we don't make money.." Joon explained. Everyone is the office stopped what they were doing and gasped. Jungkook smacked Joon's head and grabbed his tie to bring him in closer. "You idiot! No one is supposed to know that! Now you made the whole office panic." He whisper shouted. "Why can't they know?" He asked. "Because!...because Jin said so, and anything he says goes. No questions asked." Look released Namjoon's tie. He looked around the room and saw everyone in a rush trying to find where the boss was. "Well at-least we'll find him." Joon nervously laughed. "Why do you even want to find him? He's a major buzzkill." Tae sighed. "Well...last night he-"

The elevator doors opened and in walked Mr. Kim. The room suddenly was full of sighs of relief. He looked around as if he was searching for someone. He saw Joon at talking with Jungkook and walked over. "Namjoon. Come with me." Jin grabbed his arm. "But Mr.Kim-"
"Shut up! I'm not in the mood for your impotent behavior." He snapped at him. He dragged Joon away to his office, Tae and Kook looked at eachother and smirked knowing they would eavesdrop.


Jin threw his assistant into a chair and sat down at his desk. He put his hands on his head and sighed. "Mr.Kim? Are you okay?" Joon asked. He got up from the chair and went over to check on his boss. He reached his arm out to check the others temperature, but it was slapped away. "Don't ever touch my face!" He turned towards Joon and darkened his gaze. "I'm sorry...you just look sick and I wanted to see if you're okay." Joon stepped back. Jin got up and inched closer to the other, making him back up. "Don't you think I wouldn't know if I was sick? How could you possibly tell? No, how could you possibly think that you know how I feel? Hm? You're nothing but a abhorrent low life bottom feeder that has no right to be in my eye sight." Joon, now backed against the wall, was crying. "M..Mr.Kim..why do you have to be so mean..d..don't you know I'm only..being nice..all I ever wanted was to help." He sobbed even harder. Joon doesn't know what he did wrong and he wants so badly to fix it. "I don't need your kindness! Nor do I need such a sorry excuse for and assistant! The only reason you're here right now is because no one else wanted your position." Jin said, taking out his built up frustration on Joon. "Don't you wonder why no one took the place?! You're awful!" Jin slapped the younger. The slap made Joon go into full blown panic attack mode. He started crying harder, which led to him not being able to breathe. What made it worse was, he was against a wall and felt trapped between his boss. He held his throat and fell down to the floor. "Hey!...Namjoon?" Jin backed up not knowing how to handle this. Jungkook and Taehyung ran in. "Jin! What did you do?!" Jungkook ran down to Namjoon. Jin stayed silent and just watched it all unfold. Taehyung grabbed his inhaler out of his pocket and gave it to Kook. "He's having a massive panic attack! Just give him this and back away." Tae instructed. Kook did what he said and backed up. Namjoon started to breathe normally. He tried to stand but collapsed back down.

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