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"You make me happy, in a way that no one else can..."


D A I S Y  P O V

I was sitting in front of Uncle Danny, he was shocked. "What are you doing here?" he asked as I look down with no emotion. I wanted to get straight to the point, no more holding back. "Did you really think... That I would believe in the type of bullshit?" I blurt out as he formed a confused expression. "I'm done. With all of you trying to sabotage Henry..." I said bluntly. He sits up and puts his hands together, letting out a long sigh.

"Daisy, that man is not who you think he is..." he says as he looks at me dead into my red watery eyes. "He manipulates women, treats them like they are objects. He will break your heart..." he says trying his best not to yell for everyone outside to hear. "He has changed! For fuck's sake Uncle Danny, you met him when he was at his worse. Why can't you just see that he has changed!" I said at a louder volume. "That man only cares for himself and his own pleasures, I don't care how he has treated you and what he has said to you. Every word that comes out of that man's mouth are lies!" he yells as he stood up. "Why are you so against him?" I asked in a soft tone as I tear up.

Uncle Danny looks down at me as he sees my tears drop. He didn't show any sympathy, he doesn't care that I'm hurting because the reason is useless to him. He sits back down and calms himself. "Did you come here, to try and convince me that Henry is actually a good person?" he asked. 

I just want you to understand, I don't want to lose you. Fucking hell you're my fucking Uncle, the man who took me when I lost the two most important people in my life. You were like a father to me. Why? Why can't you try to understand?

"I don't get it... Do you hate him so much because of how more successful his business is?" I asked as he stared down. That's not it... If it's not that then what the fuck is it?

"What did he do to you?" I asked as he looks at me deep in the eye.

U N C L E  D A N N Y  P O V

"I don't understand?" I asked in confusion. We both entered her apartment bedroom, all her luggage, packed up. "I told you, Dan, I met someone else..." she said as I furrowed my eyebrows as my jaw was dropped. "You went out of town for one week and come back telling me you fell in love with another man? Isabella, this is ridiculous!" I yelled as she sighs in frustration.

Isabella, my one and only, at least I thought she was. I remember before she left for her trip, she wanted to take a break, and I gave that to her. I gave her all the space she needed, in able to not lose her.

"I gave everything to you! I gave you the time you needed, the love that you wanted!" I yelled as she cups my face. "And I appreciated every single moment... It's just sometimes, things just don't work out..." she said with a smile and tears up. Isabella zips up her last suitcase and takes one more good look at me, she then holds onto my hand and kisses me on the lips one last time. After that, my life was flipped upside down.

She met someone and that was what it took for her to leave me for another man. 

"He told me he saw Henry and Isabella at dinner last night," Samuel said as I bite my thumbnails. "I just don't understand, how she suddenly falls in love with someone else so quickly. How dumb do you have to be... Getting fooled over." he said as I roll my eyes. "I don't want to hear it..." I  said as he leaves my office.

"Daniel, please!" she cries as she was on her knees, outside my doorway. "Isabella, leave, you're going to wake Daisy up..." I said with no emotion as she cries harder. That bastard, look what he has done to her, threw her away like trash. But I have no desire to take her back anymore. "Daniel, I'm sorry, I was dumb and stupid!" she cries looking up at me as I look down with no sympathy. "Then I hope you learn from this... Good-bye, Isabella..." I said kicking her hand off my ankles as she tries to reach out for me. I shut the door and lock it, I hear her cries growing louder and louder.

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