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5 years later

Amelia's Pov

I knew I was going to be late but it would be worth it. I couldn't find my car keys and to make matters worst I had a meeting at 9:00 and it was already 8:30. "Beetle can you hurry, we're gonna be late." I shouted up the stairs and a little while later I heard the pitter patter of his feet.

"Sorry mommy." He said as he rushed down the stairs dragging his bag behind him. 

"Have you seen mommy's car keys?" I asked knowing my son quite well , he probably hid them so we wouldn't have to leave home. It was his first day of school, elementary, and he wasn't having it.

He gave me an evil smirk before reaching into his pocket and slowly handing me my keys. I slightly giggled before taking up my briefcase and headed outside.

We arrived at his new school twenty minutes later and lucky for me there wasn't that much traffic on the highway. We walked into the building and headed towards his classroom. Once we were by the door the teacher greeted Benjie and he smiled nervously at her.

I bent down to his height and he gave me a tight hug. "I don't want you to go." He whispered so only I could hear. Benjie liked to think he was a tough boy but he really was a mommy's boy.

"And I don't want to leave you but we will be back together in no time. I promise. "I said as I reached out my pinky finger to his and we both kissed our fingers.

"I love you mommy." He said as he released me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"I love you more." I said as I returned his kiss. He released a loud sigh before turning and walking into the classroom towards his cubby. I watched as he immediately made friends with another little boy and I waved at him before heading back to my car. 

As I drove to the office it finally hit me that my little boy was quickly growing up and I don't know if I was ready for it.

I arrived at the office at 9:10 and I quickly ran towards the elevator. Once the elevator dinged open I ran towards my office to collect everything I needed.

As soon as I pushed open the door Hope got up to meet me with a cup of coffee and my files in her hand.

"Good morning Mrs. Parker everyone is in meeting room three and I already have everything organized for you." She said while extended her hand for her to take my bag. I quickly grabbed the things out her hand and whispered a thank you before turning and heading to meeting room three.

Once I pushed the door everyone stopped speaking and stood to meet my presence. I walked towards one of the head tables and took a seat and so did everyone else.

"Good morning everyone, sorry to be late and thank you Mr. Parker for starting for me." I said as I blushed while looking at my handsome husband. After a year of working closely together Blake and I decided to merge our businesses into one. It was now named Malory & Parker Corp. Since then we have been unstoppable since.

The meeting finished after twelve and I got up and headed to my office and shortly after Blake came in. 

"Hello my beautiful wife." He said as he came behind me and begun giving me a massage.

"Hello handsome." I replied as I continued typing on my laptop.

"How was Benjie this morning?" He asked as he propped on my desk.

"Well your son was an Angel until it was time to leave. He hid my car keys as usual but once we got there he was good although he didn't want me to leave." I stated as I smiled at the memory.

"I wish I could have been there." He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair.

"He understands that you had to leave early this morning don't beat yourself up about it to much. You'll have plenty of other first." I said as I got up and gave him a hug. 

"Thank you." He whispered softly.

"For what?" I asked as I slowly pulled away.

"Being the greatest woman in the world, I don't know what I'd ever do without you." He said as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm the one who is lucky." I said with a smile. In my heart that's what I sincerely believed because without Blake and Benjie I'd be so empty and lost.

"I'll let you get back to work, see you at home." He declared as he rushed out of my office.

Later That Day

"Benjie, Blake come on everyone is here." I shouted up the stairs as I opened the door. 

I greeted our family and guided them towards the family table. Once dinner was served everyone was engaging in their own conversations and I took that moment to appreciate the people closest to me.

In the years that had passed everybody's lives were totally different. My parents sold the family home and bought a smaller home more suitable for the both of them. They traveled at least four times a year and they were always finding new things to do. After trying for a long time two years later Chloe and my brother finally got pregnant. Which resulted in me having my beautiful niece, Ciara. Quickly after that they got married and I couldn't be more happier for the both of them.

Much to Blake's disapproval his mother started dating but it hasn't been anything to serious but Blake doesn't know that. Alexander got the help that he needed and although Blake hasn't completely forgiven him their relationship is good. He makes sure he is at every family event because he doesn't want to waste anymore time away from family. My sister and I eventually made up but our relationship isn't as strong as before but it means that I get to spend more with Daniella and that's all that matters. 

In the end these people right here was all that mattered. I had gone gone through my ups and downs with each one of them but I gradually learned to find out so does all other families. We may not be perfect but I wouldn't replace one of them for the world. 

2 hours later

"Is Benjie asleep?" I asked Blake as he entered our bedroom.

"Yes he was really tired." He said as he got under the covers next to me. 

"You know you two mean everything to me." I begun saying and Blake raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Yes I do babe." He replied as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead. 

"So how would you feel if I told you that our little family was having a new member?" I asked as I looked him in his eyes and his eyes slowly opened at the realization of what I was hinting at.

"Are you saying-" He started but I was to excited to let him finish.

"We are having another baby." I shouted and he engulfed me in a big hug as he wiped his tears in my shirt. 

He wanted to have a baby since we had Benjie and so did I but it was never the right time but I guess now was the perfect time.


Eight and a half months later I gave birth to a healthy seven pound and four ounces baby girl by the name of Ayla Parker. She was the definition of perfection I couldn't be more happier. I had my handsome son Benjie and my beautiful daughter Ayla what more could a girl want? 

The End 




Finally we have finished with His Desire I enjoyed this journey and I hoped you enjoyed it to. Stay tune for more books coming in the near future. 

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