The Ups&Downs

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Amelia's Pov

Two weeks had passed and Blake and I were still on our good streak. I haven't encountered any of my family since that day but that might change in a couple of days. 

I was extremely busy with planning an event, to be more specific my event. The twenty-first anniversary of Malory Industries was approaching in exactly two days.  Every year the company would throw a small gathering to celebrate but this year I was doing something a little different.  

With my father barely being evolved in the company it was my turn to step up and ensure that great things kept happening for Malory Industries. 

Blake was a big help in all of this and I was forever grateful for any extra help that I could get.  

I was currently in my office preparing for the meetings that I had planned for today. I basically was having a sit down with the businesses that I had invested in, in the last six months. I wanted to let them know how they were doing so far and what more could be done. 

Normally what I do is give them a trial period to see if the business has potential or not. If they do I give them a contract which benefits both their company and mines. If they don't have potential, I suggest a merger whether they take the offer or not is up to them. 

Since I had other business to run apart from Malory Industries I decided to do pop up visits on some of them. My family only knew about a few because I wanted to prove to my father that my main focus was on his company. Now that I could care less about what he thought it was time to expand my image. 

I began my series of meetings and by the time I reached my last one I was exhausted. Luckily for me my last meeting was with Blake so at least I could take the edge of or so I thought. 

As I walked into the conference room there sat a very angry looking Blake and about five other men. I walked and sat at the head of the table and said a pleasant 'good afternoon'. Every one answered accept for Blake. 

"Well let us get straight to it shall we." I began as I opened my folder. 

"Since I invested in Parker & Maxwell Inc your business has been striving. Sales and profits have increased and you were also able to expand your company which lead you  to hire more people. In all I am very please with your improvement so the contract has been approved. I will get my assistant to forward it to your lawyers and we shall go from there." I said as I awaited a response from Blake but none ever came. 

The rest of the men asked me a few questions which I was happy to answer. Everyone was participating and Blake just sat there in silence. Eventually the meeting was over and everyone left the room except for Blake and myself. 

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"Who is he? "Blake muttered in a bitter tone.  I had no idea what he was talking about or whom he was speaking about.

"Let me rephrase the question who is the man that came and visited you in your office? "He asked as he glared at me. 

"He is just a friend Blake and how do you even know about that?" I retorted as I pulled out a chair to take a seat. 

"Don't worry about how I know you should be more worried about the fact that you never told me about any friend paying you a visit." He shouted as he continued to glare at me.

"Blake calm down it's not that serious he is just an old friend that wanted to see me that is all." I said slowly as I tried to grab his hand but he pulled away. 

"I'll see you at home." He said before he stormed out of the room. 

The rest of my day consisted of meetings on top of meetings, visits to my other companies and I had to sit down with event planners. By the time I was finished it was already six o'clock so I decided to stop and pick up dinner and afterwards I made my way home. 

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