Part 8 ( club )

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Rose POV

After met up with, Ban . now i returned home with anger .but still, i have some proof in my hand about V who is Jisoo ex .

Flash Back 

" why did you  calling me to come  here in this club? " I ask BanBan

" wait a little bit .I have something surprise you~ heheh " what the hell, he talking  about ? I sit here  over 3 h and I keep asking the same question and yet. he reply the same answer agian and again.

" I can't wait more longer ,I want to go home ! " i get off from the chair, but Ban grab my hand .

" there they are ! let's go take a look !" he point to a couple just walk in .

" what wrong with them ? "

" You will know later . hehe. it getting interesting!" he really excited

" well, I'll see. how surprise and executing you give me this time. " i take a sit and waiting.  after 30 minutes the couples walk in to the private room , Me and Ban go to other room with a TV  see the couple kissing each other and that's person is V with he's fiance.

" Are you hide camera in thire room?" my eye get wide

" Ya! i asked  my frined, and found out he like that's room. He alway bring some girl have fun with him !" Ban reply with a  smile. Then he force on the screen.

" He's sleep or have fun with he fiance. does it have something to do  with us to?" i ask him. I really wonder .

" Everyone say ,they like to sleep together, but don't want to get marry~hehe . what a funny people nowaday? and yes , I bring you here today because of it. I decide again and again, I guess this is the best choices for you to nock him down and get Jisoo over~ haha !" I get shockingly,but i smile agian when I get what he  mean .

" Thanks,Ban . you are the !" i pat he shoulder and look at the video we'd  recorded.

I look at my hand with a DVD and I drive home late . Lisa maybe arrive befoer me does . so I enter the house and see Jisoo still eat chicken alone in the kitchen .

" Welcome home, Rose..." she look at me and say welcome how cute .

" Yes! " i nodd at her

" wanna eat with me ?" she so nice i a bit hugry too why not?

" sure! " i take a site and she give me some chicken.

" here you go !" her smile so wonderful .

" Are you looking for work ?" i eat and asking about her personal life. she drop her chicken and galce at me in supprie.

" How...did you know?" her face change intimacy.

" I guess, because Mr Kim say you finish collect,but still not have a work yet. but you want to have your own  cafe . so, are you looking for work now?" I speak  in low voice waiting her answers .

" I would like to. But no one dare to acctep me ,because our family profile..." her face so sad.

" Tomorrow , come with me . i will show you something. " i smile at her before I left. after i done talking i can see she's frozen about my actoin a moment ago.

" Hey! " she call me. i stop my foot and look at her

" Hmm?"

" about yesterday ..thank you very much!" she look down

" Anytime " I keep going

I walk in my room and then Lisa come in .

" Hey! what took you so late today ?" she smile at me

" Nothing .well , Lisa how about you ?" i look back at her . Lisa look like she not happy at all.

" Something, that's I never think of ~haha. i can't see though in human mind can be such an evil nowaday " she shake her head and sites on my bed .

" Look like you more serious than me . for me.. i never thought people don't want to be together ,but they use to have fun together. so funny rigth?" she laughs and pat my shoulder.

" atlash, we're better then thoes people. I hear you want to take Jisoo to our cafe? are you serious?"

" Yes, I serious! I can't keep her with me forever. if one day I'm not  around she's  can have her own business to look after" I smile with my idea

" Not bad!  i should think about it to since they both love natural let's give them a gift hehe !" I look at her

" I hope,  that's you won't regret take Jennie there. because you will remember about momo again ,once you got there Lisa..." I can see her sight deeply

" I'm ok . don't worry about me . I want to give something to Jennie when I couldn't give to momo...I want to make it up for Jennie when I couldn't make it up for momo....hehe so even i get hurt all over agian ,I won't regret!" she proudly say  really make me happy with her too.

" Yes! everything, will be good as long we can get though of thoes problem!" we both keep taking about other thing and enjoy our time together .

" when will you plan to talk Jisoo?" Lisa ask me about the video

" soon, but not rigth now . i will talk her when the time comes. because if i do now 100% she's won't believe in me !" I answer Lisa question with stress face

" Good  !  but don't be so long if not, you will lose her before you plan to talk her the trust. " she right .I nodd to her .

" How about you Lisa? "

" I'm soon, I just waiting Kai actoin so my plan will work to!" she really are kind ,but don't Mistakenly her kindness if you do , she's will show you a dark side.  no one want to see in her.

" Ok! let take some rest  we both need to take Jisoo and Jennie go out tomorrow ,and after that's get to work again..." I lazy talking about work..

" Hahah~ ok got it ! " she laugh and go out from my room.

Jennie have wide eye her mouth open because of what Jisoo talk her .

" Are you serious? she say will take you with her tomorrow?" Jennie come to downstairs and sites with Jisoo.

" Yes, she did . I still can't believe she smile at me too . ohh~ i most be crazy  over her day by day, if she do that's!" Jisoo smile and still eating

" Ogg! Unnie are you inlove with her ? don't talk me you move on from V already ! so fast !!" what !!! Am not lol

" Stop it before I put this chicken in your mouth!! " i make a made face

" ohh~ ok.I just joking only ...I also miss Kai .he didn't answer my phone lately..." Jennie about to cry

" Jennie, get your mind together . where are you rigth now don't be talking nonesens agian !" Jisoo left after she's done eating by Jennie follow behind.

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