Part 11 ( Why? )

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Jennie POV

6:00 pm

Today I go meet up with ,kai . it really excited for me . but it abit strange he choose a hotle insect of cafe .

" Hi !Jennie ! you come after all, hehe- I'm glad!" Kai smile at me really cute

" Of course !"

" let's get in.I have something surprise you -heheh " he hold my hand and go to the room have a bodyguard at the door . this room so dark i can't see anything just a few person sites  on the sofa.

" Why so many people here Kai? and this room so dark .. baby I'm  scare....!" I grab Kai arm tight.

" Don't be scrae ,Jennie .you will be happy soon. heheh!" Kai word make me wonder and I look at him there a person behind.

" Master! i do what you asked ! can you give me a money now?" what does it mean?get what and money? for what?

" Kai ,what are you taking about?" i ask him serious, but he only give me a small smile .

" Give him Money !" this sound in the sofa call he's man give Kai money .i have wide eye look at kai with confused .

" Kai, what is this about ? why did you take theirs money ?"

" Jennie,you are so dumb! of course money it really important to me. I most take it why not ?" he's release my hand and push me away then hug the money .

" Baby. why did you push me !? and why did you bring me here ?"

" Jennie ,I need money and they want you. that's why I bring you here. you so naive! are you get it now!" Kai about go to the door but i hug him behind .

" Kai ,please don't leave me here ....why did you do this to me Kai? don't you love me anymore  ? we use to love each other so much. why Kai...? " I cry hard on the back he take my hand off and face me .

" Listen , Jennie! I never love you.I just use you for money only .because you are rich , but when your family bankup. i about to stop this already.if not becuse i hear you marrid with Manoban Family's , i won't waste my time with you uesless girl ! bye !" he push me fail on the floor

" Remembers what you say  to me, man. if not you die !!" the sound at the sofa make Kai scare. i can see how Kai Treat me and he just lie to me all this time hurt so much after see Kai left me with the person at the sofa.

" I promiess, master.i will take my leave now have fun!" he take money and go .

" Everyone , go with me !" the man sound call out he's bodyguard leave with him only one person left with me . I'm so afraid of dark and that's person too.

" what are you gonna do to me ? " That's person get up and walk toward me. I smell the body of that person ,just like someone  I knew .

" who are you? let's go of me !" I shout

" JENINE!" this sound make me stop and look clearly .Lisa..?!

" Lisa...why did you in here ...?"

" I will be the one who asking you? why did you come here ?" she's so mad rigth now .i know because of her voice and her hand garb me tight and also hurt me too.

" I.. I can explain...please,Listen to me Lisa...!" I try to release my hand from her . but it not easy.

" Explain what ? explain you come here with your lover? or explain you will sleep with other person to get money for your lover ?" i feel my face get hot because of anger, her word really rude.

"  ( slap ) Lisa!! I'm not what you think!! " she pull my hand follow her out of hotel and go to her car without my permission.

" GET IN!!" she's yell at me to get in .

" where did you take me, Lisa?" i scare when she drive so fast .

" Shut up!! " she really are angry with me. either am I? i still angry with her word said  to me a moment ago  .

We're arrive at the house . than Lisa's  take my hand to follow her .

" I can walk by mysfle. let's go of my hand !!" I hit her hand garb me .

" Lisa your back? ohh Jennie what happen to you sis ?" Jisoo walk to me,but Lisa pull me and carry me on her shoulder goes  to her room . Unnie follow me and lisa behind with coufuess!.

 Unnie follow me and lisa behind with coufuess!

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" Hey! Lisa. put Jennie down !are you carzy!! " Unnie get mad when she talking no one reply .

" Unnie, hlep me please!" I cry and try get off  but she so strong  .Unnie see it not right so she's stop in front of me and lisa  .

" Jisoo ! it none of your business ! stay away from this problem!" Lisa vioce so cold make me scared.

" She's my sister. how can I not care when you look in bad moode and carry her to your room? !" Unnie yell  at Lisa with anger .

" KIM JISOO !your wife are there ! This girl is my wife !! get out of my way !! " Lisa's  yell back. make Unnie scare and look at me with helpless.

" Unnie hlep me...I don't want to go with her, please....Unnie !" I cry and try to hit hard .

"Unnie ,hlep me !! " i scam ask for hlep.   Unnie follow me and enter the room behind Lisa .

" Lisa! What are you doing with my sis ?" she get mad and ask Lisa .

" Rose !!! get your wife away!!! " Lisa shout and then , Rose come in and take Unnie outside with the door close. I try to espace but she push me fail on the bed hard .i feel my body hurt all over .

" Rose! let's go of me !are you carzy ?I need to hlep my sister !!" Jisoo push Rose hard and bout to enter the room , but Rose pull her back and hug her behind.

" KIM JISOO! Jennie is Lisa wife you can't involve with theirs problem you know.!" Rose shout back to Jisoo

" Rose you and Lisa are planning all this don't you!? you both are the same! let's go of me !!" Jisoo and Rose fighting outside awhile  Jennie and Lisa are fighting inside.

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