Chapter 2

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Your first few days were not easy. You came after school everyday and watched the team play, taking notes on them and reading books about volleyball. It was more complex than you remember. By the end of the week you felt you knew more than you wanted to. When you graduated from learning everything to actually helping the team with your comments you started to realize that it was actually fun to be around them, each of their personalities were unique and they took feedback very well. You learned everyone’s roles, strengths, weaknesses and even dug a little into their personal lives to see how they are as a person outside practice.

Occasionally the boys would be inconsiderate but overall everyone was sweet to you. There was only one person that doesn’t really talk to you, Kenma. You have homeroom with him and you see him at practice but he always seems to avoid unnecessary contact with you.

“What’cha drawing?” When Lev caught you scribbling on your notes you moved your hand to the side so he could see what you were drawing. You weren’t terribly shy about your drawing so you didn’t mind your friends seeing them. “Woah! Is that supposed to be me?” Lev pointed at himself after seeing the scribble. It was him although very rough and sketchy. You got into the habit of drawing the boys in the pose they hit most often over the past few weeks. In Lev’s case it was when he’s about to hit Kenma’s ball. His slender figure was a defining feature.

“It’s not bad, is it?” You looked up at the excited half-russian. He was like a kid when he got happy.

"No, it’s really good! But why’re you drawing me?” Before you could answer he suddenly gasped and covered his mouth. “Reader! Could it be ...You're secretly in love with me?!” He acted overly-shocked before spilling into laughter. You gave in and laughed a bit too.

“No, nothing like that. I like drawing everyone in the pose they hit most often.” You grabbed your notepad as you spoke, showing Lev the notes you take and the scribbles of everyone at the bottom of each one. If you ever had to find your notes on someone, each section had the corresponding person.

"You don’t draw Kenma very often…” Lev pointed out something you didn’t realize. Looking through your drawings, you realized you only drew Kenma once or twice while everyone else had at least four drawings.

"You're right….” You looked around the gym for Kenma, spotting him as he sat against the wall and played on his phone. He caught your attention a few times in and out of practice as well as when you first arrived but overall, he always seemed to throw attention to other people, working in the shadows.

“All right! I’ll try to draw Kenma more!” You balled your fists in a sudden determination to draw the elusive setter. Lev smiled wide.

“Yeah! That’s the spirit!” As he spoke he balled his hands as well, letting you noticed he was almost as fired up as you were.

“Why are you so fired up?” You laughed with him, enjoying his company. Kuroo joined you both, curious to find out why you’re being so energetic on the short break. He walked beside Lev and put a hand on his hip.

“Oh, hello Kuroo.” You smiled at him as he looked down at you.
“Hello Reader. What’s going on?” Kuroo held up his free hand as he greeted you, referencing the commotion.

“Reader draws us while we’re not looking.” You flinched. The way Lev described it made you sound like some sort of pervert.

“O-Only in your practice poses!” You shyly spoke up. Kuroo raised an eyebrow.

“Is that right?” You allowed Kuroo to look through your drawings to verify your claim. He seemed impressed as he looked through your doodles, stopping on a few before continuing to the next. “Do I really look like that when I jump…?” He suddenly sounded a bit disappointed. You immediately shook your head.

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