The next day went by quickly and without incident. It was nice to have a break from how the week seemed to be going, it seemed to make a normal day less monotonous. With the morning melting into the evening though it left you little time to mentally prepare for the trip to Shinsen. You packed as soon as you had the opportunity to, bringing a couple more pairs of clothes than you knew you'd need in case you decided to take another dip in the river. Once finished packing you slept one more night in your bed and locked up your house the following morning, taking a deep breath of cold morning air.
Your team didn't have to leave as early as teams who lived further away but it was still quite early, making it still semi dark out when you started your way to the school. In your opinion, if the sun wasn't awake you shouldn't be either. You felt a little groggy and sore, yawning every couple minutes as you trudged your way through the streets.
"Good morning!" Lev's greeting was too normal and enthusiastic for so early in the morning. Kenma and Kuroo had both already arrived so you waved to and then skipped past Lev to your company from the other night.
"Good morning…" You said your greeting quieter, less enthusiastic than your half-russian friend. Kuroo greeted you back verbally and with a smile while Kenma only looked up from his phone briefly. You couldn't tell if he was texting or gaming but he kept his fingers moving all the way until Nekomata had everyone load into the bus. Lev needed up helping you put your baggage above the seats since you were just out of reach.
When seats were selected you wound up by Kenma, the two of you fitting comfortably in the seat near the back. Kuroo sat in the seat directly across the isle with Yaku. Kenma didn't seem to look up from his hand held even once when everyone was settling in but he was very painfully aware of the way your shoulder would brush against his as you settled, or how cute you looked when you stretched to try and wake yourself up a little bit more. He always found it hard to concentrate on his games with you around.
"What...are you going to listen to?" Although he didn't look up, he caught you as you were putting headphones in. He was curious about your music taste, sure, but he also didn't want you to drown him out. He wanted to be present by you at all times through the ride.
"Want to listen with me?" You extended a headphone to him and watched him debate. You didn't know if you had the same music taste but you made a soft playlist specifically for car rides and trips. This one was named after Kenma, but he didn't need to know that. It had a couple of different artists like Frad and Beach bunny but some of the songs were like ILY and Peach Scone.
"Okay." Kenma accepted your offer just in time to listen to Blinding lights, focusing back onto his game as he listened through the headphone. Sharing music always felt intimate in a way so in a way it made you happy that he was willing to listen for you.
Kuroo across from you certainly noticed that you only had one headphone but it took leaning forward to realize Kenma had the other one. It made him smile but he didn't say anything, leaving the two of you to each other's company. You watched him play his game the entire drive, almost forgetting that you were on a bus going to a training camp with other people until it stopped at the actual school a little bit later.
The ride to the school seemed to be a lot shorter when you were preoccupied with Kenma, only noticing the warm sunlight when you stepped off the bus. It was warm but you ducked into some shade as everyone got their things from the bus.
"Looks like the other teams are arriving." Nekomata made a verbal observation, focusing your attention on a couple of buses that were rolling in.
"That's right there's supposed to be five teams, including us…" You watched the buses that came in and paused. "There are only four teams here then…" You weren't entirely sure if everyone was arriving at once or if some lived further away but the team that was missing was…

Home - A Kenma Kozume x Fem!Reader
FanfictionTo get away from past trauma and various other issues you transfered schools, to the notorious Nekoma High. Although you have little interest in sports after an accident at your old school fate seems to have other plans when you become manager to th...