Chapter 8

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Your morning started early. Some of the other girls got up before everyone else to help prepare breakfast and despite their best efforts to keep quiet, you ended up waking up to their shifting about. Awake thirty minutes before you needed to, you decided to follow the lead and help with food prep. With several teams worth of athletic boys, the coaches, regular staff and managers like yourself it was a lot of food to say the least but it was all tackled in time for everyone to start waking up. Mornings weren't your forte but helping prepare food and getting a bit of caffeine in you woke you up a considerable deal so you wouldn't be overwhelmed by the boys' energy when you woke them up.

The coaches would wake the teams up if they slept past breakfast time but you didn't mind waking them up yourself, making your way to the second floor and gently tapping on the door. It was enough to stir those who were just awake to start waking everyone else in the room.

"Breakfast." You knocked and whispered through the door of Kenma and Kuroo's classroom. You didn't open any of the doors you knocked on so it was a bit startling when they slid open immediately after your wake up call.

"Thank you, Chiibi-chan~" Kuroo, already dressed for the day, cooed a good morning in passing. You smiled politely in turn and watched as the other boys groan awake when the window curtains drew back and light poured in the room. Kenma, as you expected, was already up and untethered by the light while his hand-held beeped in his hands happily. When he spotted you he waved casually, getting up and yawning while he slipped the console into his shorts and started his decent out of the room.

"Good morning." You greeted him but didn't get a verbal response. It was normal to have an unspoken greeting at this point so you didn't mind as you walked with him down to the eating area. By now, the teams were waking up and getting their food all together, forming a line that you stood in to get your meal. You got your food directly after Kenma, following and sitting by him when he found Kuroo's table.

"Is this her?" As you sat, you were addressed by a player from a different school. He was pretty loud and had multi-colored hair. Kuroo's friend that you briefly saw him speaking with yesterday.

"Bokuto, right?" You extended a smile with your formalities. "If I recall you're quite the spiker." You did recognize him, not just from yesterday but from an article in some off brand magazine a while back. He was in the nations' top ten volleyball spikers. It was intimidating meeting someone semi famous but also not, knowing he was Kuroo's friend made things easier.

When you specified that you knew who he was his smile grew wide and he laughed to himself. He wasn't self-centered but rather confidant and proud and while he continued his conversation you could see even more of those aspects about him. Part of you wondered if you could ever be so outgoing and confident. You didn't want to be so dramatic but maybe enough to get the attention of a partner and to make it easier to, well, see yourself for who you are.

"Are you excited to have a match against Karasuno today?" You decided to direct your attention to Kenma who was picking at the last of his unfinished food with his fork. Kuroo wouldn't let him play unless he ate. When you addressed him he looked to you and then back down to his food again, shrugging his shoulders.

"I guess." He wasn't the type to get overly excited and you knew that but you still liked to ask. You liked to know what he was thinking and feeling, it made you feel like you could understand him a bit better.

"I'm excited to see you play against number 10." You smiled at him, folding your hair behind your ear casually. "Kuroo says you always get excited to play with Hinata. I want to see you give it your all." It was a little embarrassing to admit but it was true. "I want to see your excited face."

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