Chapter 3

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Today ended like all other practices and school days, late evenings and walking home alone. You didn't have a chance to see what Kenma wanted to say and at this point it had left your mind. You didn’t live too far from the school so it wasn’t hard for you to walk or jog there and the streets were usually empty when you’re out so you had no problem with being alone.

As you walked your mind wandered to the events that lead up to this point. After what you went through at your old school you swore to yourself you’d have nothing to do with Volleyball or the players including old friends. Not to burn any bridges but the subject as a whole was too much. You went through actual trauma and bullying so there was no way all of that washed away so easily.

When you came to you were a good distance ahead of the school, spacing out until you were near your neighborhood and the street lamps were flickering on. Usually you took heed to your parents’ warning about walking home after school when it’s dark but when you’re coming home from school you always enjoyed the time to yourself. However, when you turned the corner to go down the slope toward your home you noticed something strange. There was a person, all alone sitting on the sidewalk. At first you were apprehensive but as you edged closer you realized it was Kenma, playing a game on his DS while keeping his duffel bag securely next to him. There was a stray cat brushing against his ankles.

“Kenma!” You called out to him when you were close enough to not disturb the neighbors. He looked up at you for a couple seconds before silently going back to playing his game. You let out a heavy sigh, ignored again. “Do you live around here?” You sat next to him, looking at what he was playing. To your surprise you knew the game and you actually played it as well, it was a fighting game you can sync with another player and battle with. It had tons of players from TV shows and animes. Kenma looked down at you while you watched him play.

“No. I got lost…” He spoke slowly, playing his game like an expert. You giggled a little at his flat response. How could he get lost going home?

“You seem to get lost every other day.” You could distinctly remember Kenma getting lost at least once a week when he’d lose track of the team on a run or not pay attention and take a wrong turn, it seemed that Kuroo was always the one to retrieve him. He let out a yawn and paid no mind to your comment. “How long have you been waiting for Kuroo?” You looked up at the sky, the moon starting to become defined.

“An hour.” He spoke like it was no big deal.

“No way! Did you call him?”

“His phone died at practice earlier.” You gave a hopeless sigh and looked at him closely while he petted the cat. Of course tonight Kuroo had to stay after too.

“Come home with me.” While you spoke you readjusted your bag and patted off your skirt, standing up. Kenma stopped everything he was doing in shock, his cheeks becoming a little pink.

"You...don’t know me that well. I can't stay over…” He looked away from you, going to pet the cat again.
“Well it’s a shame I won't take no for an answer.” You have a wide smile. “I don’t want to leave you here and I need to get home to make dinner. It's getting a little too dark to navigate safely anyway plus my parents aren’t home so I could also use the company.” You bent down and petted the cat before he could. He quickly drew his hand back, debating how to respond. You wondered how many reasons he would need to be convinced.

“You’re so unpredictable” You could barely hear him mutter under his breath. You looked him dead in the eyes bringing your face dangerously close to his.

“Come. With. Me.” He jerked his face away from yours in shock. You wanted to be better friends and you thought that maybe having him over would give you a chance--although his safety was your priority. It was late and he was your teammate, it didn’t matter that you didn't know him well. He gripped his pants tight, leaning back to be as far away from your face as possible.

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