When you fell asleep on his shoulder, Kenma let you sleep without disturbance. He didn't move part from fear of waking you and part because he didn't want you to move if you did wake up. He knew some of the other members saw this and it was more than a little embarrassing but he kept his head low, hiding his pink cheeks up until practice was just about over. He woke you up when everyone else was winding down so you wouldn't wake up to the net being taken down or people rushing by to get to the supply closet.
"Reader, do you need help carrying your stuff back home?" Once you were a little more awake, Kuroo approached you and Kenma as you sat. "It's getting dark and your ankle isn't in the best shape." He held out his hand to help you up.
"I don't want to bother you…" A little shly, you took his hand and got hoisted up near effortlessly. It was a little startling, forcing you to hold on to his arm while you balanced out. He gave you a smirk when you held on to his arm
"Well, chibi-chan~" He cooed a new nickname at you out of nowhere. "I don't want you going home alone when you have trouble standing." He waited for you to fully stand up before grabbing your bag from the floor. It was lightweight, mainly just your notepad, spare clothes and some water. Also a couple granola bars just in case you or another team member forgets to eat. "So Kenma and I will walk you home." When he said that, you turned to Kenma whos face was a little unreadable for a moment.
"If it's not too much trouble.." You looked back to Kuroo and then to Kenma who started to get up. "Thank you very much."
"Whatever." Kenma shrugged his shoulders, his bag sliding up his arm and his console back in his hands. For a second, you wondered how he could play and walk at the same time but you figured it was Kenma so you didn't need to worry. With everything put away, the three of you left the gym and locked up behind you. Surprisingly, you didn't live a terrible distance away from Kenma and Kuroo, just a neighborhood or two down.
The walk was mostly quiet, Kuroo kept his eye on the both of you and as you walked you watched Kenma play Monster Hunter, seemingly frustrated with the level he was on. It was rare to see him having trouble with his games, his fingers tapping buttons and moving the analog stick at an alarming speed but he couldn't quite finish up before you arrived. He slipped his console in his pocket as you opened your front door.
"Im home." You whispered again to no one in particular. It was a little lonely being in the house alone all the time but Kenma and Kuroo's visits were starting to liven things up.
The two boys breathed out when they stepped in the house. It smelled like you and the lemongrass incents that burned earlier. Kuroo took off his shoes first, walking behind you and setting your bag down on your living room couch where he had found you asleep just this morning. Why did that seem like so long ago?
"Do...You both want to stay for dinner?" You figured it was polite to offer seeing how they brought you and your stuff all the way home even though they might've had other plans.
"We'd love to." Kuroo answered quickly, giving Kenma no room to argue once again. Your cooking was warm and welcoming, both of them enjoyed it this morning even if they didn't express it verbally. When you went into the kitchen to start cooking Kuroo followed you. "I can help."
It was kind of him to offer so you accepted, having him grab things that were a little higher in the cabinets while you started preparing raw ingredients. Preoccupied with dinner, you feel Kenma's eyes on the back of your neck. Although his hands held his phone he was practically burning holes into you, too distracted by you. He thought you were beautiful when you had first met but it was settling in the more he was around you. The way your hair brushed your cheeks and the way your eyes looked when you were focused, even while you were cooking he looked at your hands that seemed so small and delicate as they worked. You were shorter than him, just by a bit which made him feel a sense of smallness from you. It wasn't obvious to you but between the general admiration he had little flashes of jealousy too, mostly directed at Kuroo when he got close to you. He's brushed your shoulder a couple times now, not that Kenma was paying *too* much attention.

Home - A Kenma Kozume x Fem!Reader
FanfictionTo get away from past trauma and various other issues you transfered schools, to the notorious Nekoma High. Although you have little interest in sports after an accident at your old school fate seems to have other plans when you become manager to th...