On the ride home Kenma didn't let go of your hand. He didn't put his fingers between yours and hold it like he did so securely just the other day but rather he kept his on top of yours, curling his fingers in to hold it casually. Although his attention was directed out the window he was focusing solely on keeping your hand warm and deciphering the songs on your playlist while he listened.Sometimes you wondered what ran through his head. Kenma didn't often audibly express himself, leaving the hints on his mood to his eyes and posture. Was he happy holding your hand? You were.
"Kenma?" You spoke softly to him, not moving your hand from under his as the bus pressed on. The ride back to Nekoma wasn't terribly long but it was enough to make you a little fidgety. "Do you have any plans for when we get back home?" You asked your question when his eyes slid from the window to your face. They fell to your lips and neck and then back out the window.
"Do you?" He asked casually. He didn't mean to ask you if you had plans but instead to confirm his suspicion that you didn't and that you were trying to make plans with him.
"A new animal crossing game came out not too long ago." You tilted your head forward just a bit when you laid out your suggestion, looking at his face. You assumed he already had the game since he seemed to have all the popular (as well as lesser known) games. "I usually see you play dungeon crawlers, do you have it?"
"Yeah." He answered calmly. Like most of his casual games, he just got it digitally so he didn't need to lug around the card as well as all his console accessories. He didn't verbally say it but his response was also an agreement to your implied invitation back to your place. For you, Kenma not coming home with you might feel a little lonely since you've hung out so much lately.
"What? You're making plans without me?" Kuroo teased from the seat to your right, standing up and forcing you to realize the bus had stopped. From his elevated view his eyes quickly spotted your hands together. He would be lying if he claimed it didn't make him jealous so he didn't say anything. Kuroo knew you both had a connection but he felt like he was left out on the details on how close you two have really gotten.
"You don't play animal crossing." Kenma didn't move his hand even when Kuroo stood up. He was embarrassed to be caught being so bold but he pushed that to the back of his mind and thought only about the time he was going to spend with you. Kuroo laughed at his friend's remark.
"That's true but I can't let you both play games all night." He led the way off the bus, his things slung over his shoulder. "We're having a movie night. Presently." When he stepped off the bus after him you watched Kenma's expression twist. Clearly, he wasn't interested.
"C'mon! It will be fun!" Yaku pipped in, taking note of Kenma's lack of enthusiasm. Kenma almost said something back but got distracted stepping aside for Kuroo who calmly placed his arm around you.
"You're welcome to come too!" While you were distracted tracing your eyes along his arm as it rested on you he snagged one of your luggage bags from your hand to carry it for you. "Of course unlike Kenma, you're not obligated to stay overnight." He shrugged his shoulders at his friend behind you.
"Actually that does sound like fun." You smiled at Kuroo's offer. "It was so much fun being with you guys on the trip...I don't want to seperate just yet." When you said that you let out a small sigh. The boys were visibly flattered by the sentiment.
"We could go to the store and grab some chips!" Lev suddenly joined too, getting excited about the idea of 'movie night'. "Do you get scared easy, Reader?" Lev asked you casually, implying it might be a horror movie marathon but before you could respond properly Kuroo laughed.

Home - A Kenma Kozume x Fem!Reader
FanfictionTo get away from past trauma and various other issues you transfered schools, to the notorious Nekoma High. Although you have little interest in sports after an accident at your old school fate seems to have other plans when you become manager to th...