Chapter 14

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**TW: Light sexual themes

When you woke up the next morning you sighed at the thought of going to the school for practice. Still drowsy, you got yourself some coffee and started your walk to school. In the back of your mind you knew that something was missing. A feeling? Or a person? You've spent the last few days, and even the week before that, with the boys so sleeping alone and waking up to a 'normal' day felt off. Maybe if you had walked with Kenma and Kuroo it would feel better than listening to solitary footsteps on the concrete.

It wasn't usual for you to be alone, especially before joining the team but with the family you had built up it almost felt foreign now. Walking alone to school, eating a meal alone, feeling the morning air nip at your chilled hands, it was all normal before a few weeks ago but now it almost felt...sad. While you walked along the river you placed one hand in your other, pretending that it was Kenma's so you wouldn't feel so cold. Come to think of him, Kenma wanted to tell you something yesterday, didn't he?

Checking the time on your phone, you suddenly felt the familiar creep of anxiety up your spine. Although you couldn't remember exactly why you chickened out of confrontation yesterday you started a whole new string of theories in your head. Was he going to tell you he didn't like how clingy you've been lately? That he didn't like you the liked him? And you did like him, it didn't take too long for you to sort that out. Despite your best efforts to keep that positive mental attitude your uneasiness stayed in the corner, in the dark but always present.

Unbeknownst to you, Kenma's night dragged on without you. He would normally be up late gaming but his night was restless even when he laid down to finally squeeze in those hours of sleep. He couldn't stop thinking of you and his feelings for you. He wanted to go back to holding you while you slept and hearing your breathing over the phone.

For Kenma, especially lately, it almost felt like he was going through withdrawals when you weren't in his immediate vicinity. When you'd brush against him it felt like your touch would linger for minutes on occasion and he could even hear your voice when you weren't around. He would be plagued by the thought of you in class, in practice and especially late at night as he lay in bed with nothing but his own company. He didn't realize he was so smitten with you until he couldn't possibly deny how frequently he'd think of you at night. The thought of you always relieved him in the end.

When you went to the school though, you did spot a familiar dark haired-captain walking through the entry gates. You looked for his shorter hip attachment but it didn't look like Kenma was around quite yet. The sound of your feet was enough to alert Kuroo to the fact someone was behind him but he didn't stop to see who it was until he heard your voice tell him good morning.

"'Morning." Kuroo finally stopped in place and watched you catch up. While you walked his eyes scanned your team jacket that you had put on as you left. It really did suit you.

"Is Kenma not walking with you?" You hated to bring up Kenma first thing when addressing Kuroo but he's been on your mind since you started walking, honestly. You were well aware Kuroo isn't Kenma's keeper so you didn't expect him to know where he is all the time.

"Usually we walk together but he said he was going to shower before coming." Kuroo shrugged his shoulders, watching your eyes when you mentioned his friend. Once he started walking he expected you to follow, unable to simply take your hand like a certain someone could. "But everyone else should be trickling in so we can start without him."

"I guess that's true." You rubbed your arm, a little disappointed in all honesty. After leaving him hanging yesterday you felt a little bad going to school without him. Thoughts of Kenma were pushed aside when you spotted Lev though, your smile immediately growing when he waved at you.

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