Chapter 17

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Chloe's POV

I stared at my phone, reading the text Peter had sent me. My expression changed as I read it over and over again.

"Uh guys, I gotta go." I told everyone, "You can come to, if you want."

I ran off and they started following me.

"What's going on?" Bucky yelled after me,

"I don't know." I answered, "But I feel it's urgent."

I kept running around the compound looking for Peter. Once my eyes set on him I ran for him but skidded to a stop once I saw who was standing before him.

"Chloe Charles." Lila said sinisterly,

"Never thought I'd see you again." I said,

"Me too. Guess we both thought wrong."

"We're here to take you back to Russia, Chloe." Trainer Olkovach said,

"Have fun trying because I'm not going anywhere." I said,

"If you want her, you're gonna have to fight." Peter said,

"Then I guess we're gonna fight." Lila said,

They turned and walked outside. I guess they wanted to take it else where.

"Suit up." Sam said through his ear piece. "Meet us outside."

"Hey!" Peter turned to me with his hands on my shoulders. "I don't know if you have your red suit thingie but if you do go put it on."

"Alright, Spider-Man." I said. And I raced to the nearest bathroom.

When I got outside everyone was in their suits. No one was around. Just Peter, me, and my new friends. And my former friends from Russia.

I stood by Peter and watched as everyone from Russia stared at us from across.

"I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm not letting them take you." Peter said.

"Thanks, Pete. We got this."

The Russians started walking toward. As we did to them. So it formed into speed walking and then running.

Next thing I knew I saw Peter, Wanda, and Sam in the air and Lila was standing in front of me about to punch.

I caught it and twisted her arm and tripped her and punched her in her nose. I got up and looked around at everyone.

Punches and kicks were being thrown everywhere. Webs and wisps of red followed. Bullets from Sam and Bucky's sprayed around.

"Cool." I said,

"Hey, Chloe. Might wanna quit standing around day dreaming before they take you."

"Hello?" I said, holding my ear, "Who's speaking? How did I get this ear piece?"

"It's Bucky. And I jammed this in your ear when you weren't paying attention."

"Yeah ok. That makes sense."

Lila came running for me again and the same routine repeated. I punched, she kicked, I blocked, I jabbed, she fell to the ground.

"You know it's no use of you fighting me. This isn't really a challenge. I know you. I know how you fight." I said,

"You think I don't know you?" Lila asked, "I know you way more than you think. I know your weaknesses and strengths. I know how to fight you." She started walking closer to me.

"If you know then why are you losing?" I asked,

I kicked her in her stomach and watched fall to the ground once more before I walked off.

Trainer Olkovach started making her move on me next.

"Uh Pete," I yelled into my ear piece, "I'm gonna need some help with this one."

"2 seconds, please." He yelled,

"Yeah, you do that." I said,

Trainer Olkovach ran at me with a punch and I ducked. Giving me a chance to punch her stomach.

She grunted and elbowed me in my head. I elbowed her side and her back hoping for her to fall. She didn't.

"Pete, it's been more than two seconds." I yelled again,

No response came. I groaned and continued fighting.

She started getting the best of me. She gave me her all. A side she hadn't taught me. I tried to do the same but it never. She brought me to the floor. She was about to knock me out when a web caught her fist.

Trainer Olkovach stared at her web in confusion. Giving me a chance to attack. I kicked her in her face pushing her to Peter. Peter punched her and webbed her up to a wall.

We stared at Trainer Olkovach out of breathe.

"Good work." I said.

"Thanks." Pete held out his fist and I bumped mine against his and we went out separate ways.

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