~ Chapter- 13 ~

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Next morning everyone was waiting for Amira in the living room discussing on various topics knowing Amira will be late as she had a movie night with her friends whereas Aashi was lost in thoughts and she was brought out of her trance when Meher shook her.

"Bhabhi what are you thinking so deeply, come and have your medicines," Meher called out and Aashi extended her palm to take the medicines and gulped them with fresh juice that was brought by Tanya from Kitchen.

"So Love, what were you thinking before as you were lost in thoughts for quite some time now?" Kiaan asked taking Aashi in his embrace.

"About Amira and your marriage," Aashi said and immediately Kiaan left her and looked at her in anger.

"I told you I will marry her that doesn't mean I will marry when you are still alive and breathing, also I'm not eager to get married to a betrayer and I will never-" Kiaan was saying when he was interrupted.

"Even Ami is not interested in marrying Mr Kapoor, and do refrain from using foul language regarding our sister in front of us because we are not going to tolerate it and we are not like Ami, we will retaliate if you harm her," Hadrian said sternly coming down followed by others and everyone was looking fresh and bathed ready to go for sightseeing.

"If you know what type of person she is even you people will feel same about her and will leave her only harbouring hate and disgust for her in your heart," Kiaan spat harshly venom dripping from his words.

"Mr Kapoor, if you would like to know then we know her enough to understand what are lies and truth from the things she did and as Hadrian told you, never touch our sister or hurt her, prior to years she was alone but she has us now," Luke said.

"And we will not stay silent, if anyone of you tries to hurt her with your words, work or harm her then you will face the wrath of us and in destruction, we are known as Devils," Maan said seriously and everyone can sense the seriousness and warning in his tone.

"Maan, Rian shall we leave, we are getting late," Amira asked coming down wearing tapeta silk red plazzo suit shrug, pleating her hair as a single braid to her left side pairing with black semi heels looking beautiful.

"Yeah, sure Sona, come and by the way you are looking gorgeous," Maan said bending down and kissing her cheek making her give a soft smile to them which made them all smile in return.

"And Ami, next time please wear something which will cover your body fully," Luke said and she looked at him with a frown.

"Because we don't want anyone to stare at our sister and friend because we are too possessive about you," Hadrian said and Amira's jaw dropped at that comment and she looked at three of them and pouted.

"Then tell Lilian and Adira also to wear same because they are your wives and yeah I will not change my dressing style no matter what, I will wear what I feel comfortable Uh," Amira said turning to side indicating that she is angry with them.

"Okay, we are sorry, now common give us a smile please," Luke said and still she didn't turn towards them and they just sighed.

"Well Rian, Maan we brought chocolate for her right, let's give that to Aashi or Meher because Lilian and Adira don't like them much and it is favourite of Ami's," Luke said and smirked when she looked at them with wide and hopeful eyes.

"Okay I forgave you," She said and snatched her chocolate from Hadrian's hand, started eating which made all laugh while she looked at them sheepishly smiling with chocolate all around her lips which made her look like a baby and they just sighed thinking that they were successful in diverting her mind because they saw her standing on steps and listening to Kiaan's hurtful words.

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