~ Chapter - 17 ~

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~~ Surabhi Jyothi as Khushi Arnav Khurana ~~

Kapoor's and Khuranas reached hospital and Khushi ran towards ICU followed by Aashi who was crying profusely and they were followed by others and when they reached there Arnav was sitting on bench as a statue while Abhi was moving to and fro in tension while tears were falling freely from his eyes and just then he saw his mother and who came forward hugging him crying and he just hugged her back tightly.

"What happened Prince, you people went to bring them back without a scratch then how did this happen?" Khushi asked and with that Abhi explained everything to her and she once again started to cry, she turned towards Arnav who was starring at the wall in front him blankly.

"Arnav," Khushi called him softly, he turned towards her and looked at her for few seconds before he broke down into sobs in her arms like a child and just then one of the doctors came out of the ward and everyone moved towards him.

"Mr Khurana, your daughter is in shock seeing her twin and elder brother meeting with an accident, we kept her on sedatives so that her body can heal from the wounds while in hope that, her mind gets relaxed, other than that she is fine, she will gain conscious in half an hour then you can see her," Doctor said.

"Thank you, doctor," Raj said as he can see neither his son nor his daughter-in-law is in any shape to respond while his grandchildren are not fairing any better.

"It is my duty Sir," Doctor said and left from there and everyone entered inside while Abhi, Aashi, Arnav and Khushi were still in front of the ICU. When they entered inside they can see Amira is in semi-consciousness and mumbling Amir's name which brought tears to everyone's eyes but they composed themselves not to cause any more trauma to Amira and just she opened her eyes and immediately her eyes searched for twin, elder brother and father hoping it was a dream which was observed by others but they kept mum.

"Gudiya, how are you feeling?" Pooja asked her granddaughter with a fake smile on her lips trying to assure her granddaughter that everything is fine.

"I'm fine Grandma but where are Papa and bhaiyu? Mumma also is not there and where is Mir, I want to see him," Amira asked and Pooja turned her face around to hide her tears.

"Pooja, don't you know that my Gudiya is Sherni, she will always be fine, Gudiya you take rest for some time and when next time you will open your eyes they will be here," Raj said trying to divert the topic of Amir and taking situation from his wife as he can see that she was unable to hold herself anymore but Amira was not a fool, she was a Khurana too.

"Grandpa, that accident was true right, it was not a dream," Amira said as a statement in a whisper which was heard by him and Raj turned his face unable to tell her that it was true and his other grandson is hanging between life and death.

"I want to see Mir," Amira said trying to getup pulling her saline syringe which was causing blood to flow but she was not in her senses.

"Gudiya wait...Gudiya... Amira," Raj shouted gaining Arnav and Khushi's attention and they came running inside to see Raj and Kiaan trying to stop her and hold her while she was trying to push them to get down.

"Babygirl/ Baby" Arnav and Khushi exclaimed in fear of Amira hurting herself more which gained everyone's attention while still, Amira was struggling in Kiaan's hold who held her from waist to hold her still.

"Ami baby, look at me," Khushi said placing her hand on Amira's hand to stop her from pulling syringe anymore but it all went vain.

"Mumma, see anyone is not allowing me to see Mir, please allow me naa," Amira whined with tear-filled eyes.

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