~ Chapter-41 ~

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~~ Zain Imam as Yuvaraj Mittal ~~

People looked on, some in jealousy and some in awe as the lastest Chevy Corvette 2020 came to a halt in front of 'Althea Industries'. Men looked even more jealous when they looked at the man who stepped out of the car. He was the definition of sexy and drool-worthy.

The first thing people would notice would be his suit. The second thing would be how well fitted it was to his well defined and clearly athletic body. He was six feet tall, with midnight Black eyes matched by his hair.

He strode through the entrance with not care and a stoic and blank expression as the receptionist at the front desk greeted him.

"Good Morning, Mr Mittal."

He took the private elevator to the top floor and passed several cabins to reach his own. This floor contained the cabins of all the department heads in his industries and his P.A's cabin beside his own.

He took a seat behind his mahogany hand-carved table. Not five minutes later his p.a was there with his Americans in one hand and the day's schedule in another.

"Good Morning, Mr Mittal. Here's your coffee." She said handing him his coffee. "I have your schedule for today ready, sir."

"Yes?" He said promoting her to lay out his schedule for him.

"Meeting with Department heads at 10.0 to discuss this month's development and progress in several ongoing projects.

Lunch Meeting with Mr Miracle to discuss collaboration on the launching of the next version of Althea's Laptops.

1.0 to 4.0 has been cleared from your schedule as per your orders.

4.0 to 4.45 to reach Myra Fashion House for a meeting.

Meeting with Ms Amira Khurana to discuss a possible alliance and collaboration for the Upcoming Fashionista Week with Myra Fashion House.

That is the last meeting of your day."

"You can go, Evelyn. Inform my 10.0 to assemble and be on time in Meeting Room 2." She nodded her head and left the room with a stiff back and brisk steps.

She breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she was out of the door and out of sight. She went to the nearest cabin which belonged to the development department head, Mr Miller and slumped in the sofa occupying his room to the far corner.

"Oh God! I have been working here for three years and Mr Mittal's p.a for two of them and I am still afraid to stand in front of him and speak."

"I take it you just gave him his schedule for the day, dear Evelyn?" Chris Miller was a middle-aged, good-humoured and easy-going man who always made her feel better after seeing their boss. He has worked in the company from the day it was established and wasn't afraid to tell Mr Mittal if he was making a mistake in some deal or regarding anything related to the company.

"Meeting in Meeting Room 2 in an hour." She informed him and got up to inform others. Not all of the other heads were as lenient as he was.

Yuvraj Mittal was an enigma to many of the new employees. He was what people categorise as tall, dark, handsome and mysterious.

He sat in his cabin going over all the files half of which were bills, pay rise requests and another half the stock rise, profits and losses the company acquired in the past month.


The meeting with the heads went as well as can be expected. No one was brave enough to start the meeting and giving the report first. So, as always, it was Mr Miller who started. He laid out the facts, how much progress was made in their line of research, the new employees they hired and the meeting took off from there.

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