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"You know Aashi I promised Amir, that I will take care of our sister no matter what and that promise was stopping me from exposing you in front of our family in past but not anymore, nothing is holding or stopping me from showing what true pain is not even the promise at the stake of my self-respect, You don't know what are hunger pains, you don't know what is the pain a girl feels when she was burned with hot iron on her hands, you don't know when you were forced to beg for drugs because someone forced them in your body and you got addicted to it, you don't know what a girl feels when someone tried to touch her without her concern filled with lust and nothing else, do you know what those girls do to get free of those monsters, AND YOU DON'T KNOW THE PAIN OF LONELINESS, HATE, HURT, PAIN AND BETRAYAL FACED BY YOUR OWN FAMILY AND IF THEY DON'T TRUST YOU THE PAIN IS ONLY KNOWN TO ME, TO LOOSE LOVED ONES, TO HAVE NOTHING BUT DARKNESS AND SHADOW AS YOUR COMPANION AND NOW YOU WILL SEE WHAT YOUR HATE AND JEALOUSY RUINED MY LIFE AND I PROMISE AASHI KIAAN KAPOOR, YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET MESSING WITH ME EVER," Amira shouted pushing Aashi down onto floor from the embrace of Pooja who clutched Aashi as if she is someone precious while Aashi eyes were filler with fear because this is the first time she is Amira in angry shade.


Amira is in the car along with Raj, Laksh and Aakash who are taking her to asylum while she was not ready to go anywhere leaving her Mamma, Papa and Bhaiyu because she fears separation with them. She was their baby, they always protected her without allowing a single scratch appears on her skin when she was in front of her eyes even if she gets hurt they will take the whole house on their head and now she is forcefully taken away from them and she can see their helplessness.

"Dadu, please let me live with you people, I didn't do anything, please, I will behave as a good girl, I will not go near Di also," Amira pleaded her grandfather.

"Shut up Amira, because of you, my daughter-in-law and granddaughter got hurt and now you are trying to harm yourself too, for you to get normal there is only one place, that is asylum," Raj said.

"Bhaiya, please tell Dadu, take me back with you, you know me, I will never do something like this, please Bhaiya, please," Amira said turning towards Laksh but he turned away his face to hide his tears seeing his sister's pleading face which he can't stand but to protect his another sister and Amira from herself this is needed and just then they reached asylum and Raj dragged her inside forcefully while Amira was crying continuously.

Amira can sense the air around her which is thick with something ominous, the building stood tall in large space surrounded by thick trees, the building was in grey and black a five-storey, she can see the building covered with a large and thick wall around but Amira's eyes were trying to find an escape for later tine and she was doing that sub-consciously which she had learnt after Amir died and she learnt physical combat and stealth training under her brother Siddarth who was secret intelligence officer, he trained her once she grew closer to him and he learnt about her kidnap and death of her twin and not wanting to lose her again in any circumstances he trained her to be a deadly warrior when she was need of.

They entered inside and Amira can see long corridor which leads to the chamber at the end and when she was outside she saw girls looking down from the windows and shouting to release them which sent shivers down her spine. She was pulled out her thoughts when she heard her grandfather's voice and she looked up to see a man around her father's age and she came to know that he is the head here.

"Good Morning Dr Vihaan, she is my granddaughter Amira Khurana and this her medical file and on the suggestion of our family doctor we are here to join her," Raj said while Amira was trying to get out of the hold of Aakash.

"Good Morning Mr Khurana, don't worry we will take care of your granddaughter very well, there are 25 girls who are patients here and we only treat them because most girls will face these type of problems and we have three ward boys, 2 more doctors and five Nurses and this is Isabella, the head nurse who looks after everyone here including the staff here," Dr Vihaan said.

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