~ Chapter - 47 ~

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Amira was in a meeting which Luke should have attended but at the end, he told her to attend it as her goddaughter Kaya was being fussy as she was feeling under weather due to climate changes, she was listening to the key points as she needs to see whether this will give profit to them or not when her phone rang loudly indicating she is getting a call but she cancelled it but it rang again and again which made her angry and she lifted the call ready to lash at the person other end but stopped listening to what the other person said which made her spring from the chair.

"The Meeting is dismissed Ladies and Gentlemen, Anshuman will handle the rest of the meeting along with Maximus and Dominic, I will be unavailable for rest of the day and tomorrow," Amira said and walked out briskly without giving chance for anyone to protest or say something and while moving outside she called the driver and asked him to take out the car to the front and she occupied driving seat denying the driver to drive her.

"I don't want anyone following me Theodore, and It's my order, do you understand?" Amira asked her head bodyguard who was going to follow her car on protocol but listening to the warning in her tone, Theodore nodded his head and backed off knowing it will lead to thorough thrashing, Amira drove faster to her destination while she was anxious and angry. She entered inside where Liliane was trying to comfort Amelia while Luke and Hadrian were busy trying to hold Thomas back from doing something rash.

"Leave me Hadrian, Luke I'm telling you to leave me, I will kill him with my bare hands, yesterday he misbehaved with our sister and today he dared to touch my love, I will beat him too pulp," Thomas shouted with anger.

"That's Enough Thomas, " Amira said entering inside which stopped Thomas leaving every ounce of fight from his body while Amira moved towards Amelia who was sobbing in arms of Liliane,

"Amelia, what happened? How did this all happen? Can someone tell me now?" Amira snapped at them while Amelia slowly sat straight and drank the water that was given to her and turned towards Amira who was looking at everyone for answers.

"Today Morning I was coming to Office for the meeting when-"

A few Hours Before:

Amelia was in rush as today they had an important meeting bit due to last night spending time with her siblings, she woke up late and now she was rushing so she took her own car and as the house is far from the city so she was driving fast lost in her thoughts when a pram came in front of her car and she stopped at the nick of the time and she came down running to see whether the baby is fine or not when someone held her from back and placed something on her mouth which made her lose consciousness.

When she opened her eyes she found herself on the bed with only her blouse and skirt her overcoat and shirt removed, her hands tied above her head to the bedpost while her legs were pulled apart and tied too and she tried to release herself but it went in vain and when she looked around she found herself in a bedroom from looks and she saw a single door with no window to escape for her.

"Hello, Who are you? Leave me if not you will face the consequences I'm telling you, if my fiance and friends will come to know about this they will destroy you, Who are you? Where Am I?" Amelia shouted trying to free herself once again when she heard the door open and she looked up to see Alton looking at her with lust, anger and desire in his eyes at the door which made her shudder in revulsion.

"Hello, I love seeing girls sprawled open on the bed ready for me to use and dispose of, I really wanted your friend but when she made the mistake of slapping me in front of the world I thought why not introduce her to the pain of you going through humiliation and degradation in front of the society so I asked my men to bring you instead of her, so now let's shut your mouth and put myself to pleasure," Alton said and Amelia was terrified as what he was going to do to her.

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