~ Chapter - 19 ~

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~~ Drashti Dhami as Myra Roy/ Raheja ~~

It has been a year and eight months since Amira lost her twin while she gained another brother who is even more protective of her which annoys her at times but she feels happy that someone who is not related to her through blood loves her more than anything, She also met with Myra after she came to know that Amira was the one who made her realise the value of love and Siddarth in her life because by executing the advice of Amira Siddarth ignored Myra for six months which was a very hard time for Myra and now when she met Amira even she became overprotective of her if this was the relationship she shared with those two, her relation with her Sister was breaking bit by bit where Aashi ignores her presence completely when they are alone and when she is with family Aashi does something blaming that on Amira and she gets scolded by her family as after Amir is dead Arnav and Khushi became too much protective and overbearing towards Abhishek, Aashi and Amira.

What Amira is not understanding is what is her mistake in Amir's death even though internally she always blames herself for his death. She knows she is losing her sister but still the love she has for her is not fading, in fact, it is increasing because she can see someone is provoking Aashi against her and she vowed to herself that she will find out who it is.

In this one year, many things changed in her life, she has achieved highest in her first year, her time is divided between her family, friends Maan and Adira, her time at Orphanage little stars and as asked her father brought it and now it is running under their tutelage, family and Siddarth along with Myra and she never miss her time with any one of them no matter what. But there is something which is always at the back of her mind nagging at her and alerting her saying that something is going to happen but she is neglecting it because she can see because of Aashi's doing things and blaming on her making her family distancing themselves from her even though her parents and Brother still loves and spends time with her like before. As she is having holidays she was learning how to cook from her Mom as she is always interested in tweaking and creating the new and old recipes which were an interest her mother harbours.

"Mom, I'm unable to find my blue shirt, will you and come find it for me please?" Abhi shouted from his room and Khushi shook her head.

"Princess continue to stir it till I come back Okay? and please be careful, it is hot," Khushi said.

"Okay Mom, but come fast, I want to prepare this and make Papa and Bhaiyu taste it," Amira said with the enthusiasm which made Khushi smile and she nodded her head and went to Abhishek's room while Aashi entered inside and seeing her Amira kept silent.

"What are you cooking this time Amira?" Aashi asked looking into the pan with interest and Amira looked at her twinkling eyes because this is the first time that her sister talking with her softly and with a smile on her lips like old days.

"I'm making Ghajar Ka Kheer as Bhaiyu loves that, will you also taste it once it is cooked?" Amira asked with puppy eyes.

"Of course but why to wait till it is cooked completely, why not now itself," Aashi said smirking and took a spoon full and took that near her mouth but in the end she spilled everything intentionally on her hand and started to cry and shout in pain which grabbed everyone's attention while Amira was shocked with Aashi's behaviour and was paralyzed in her place with pain and shock, immediately everyone came running into the kitchen and seeing her burnt hand Kiaan took Aashi out followed by everyone except Abhishek who was looking at Amira.

"Amira, did you or did you not spill hot Kheer on Aashi's hand?" Abhishek asked knowing already the answer will be only her silence because whenever these instances started happening it wad always same, everyone will scold Amira yet she maintains her silence while Aashi makes a fuss about it and huge deal by throwing a tantrum which annoys him and his parents because she is too sensitive but without proof, neither he nor his parents can prove that Amira is innocent and in this process, everyone is distancing themselves from Amira making those three occupied too so that they will distance themselves from Amira but it is impossible.

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